Gary our endorsement special blog article

Gary O’Sullivan back to work

Gary O’Sullivan back to work

O’Sullivan vs Mungula Jan 2020

Hi Readers, I hope all are well out there, we have some news that we know many out there that hit up Gary O’Sullivans page a lot would be interested in, Back to work a Gary O’Sullivan special is giving all Gary’s fans ample time to find a way to see this boxing 🥊 extravaganza


Gary O’Sullivan is one ☝️ tough dude We’ve seen he’s Trainer packy Edwards pushing Gary to he’s limits ready for this next bout, if you remember it was only earlier this year that our star endorsement hit the airlines and flew out to Boston USA to fight in his last winning match you can see Gary’s st Patrick’s day fight here


I’m hoping after our ridiculous Twitter suspension that Gary understands the fault of the algorithm and continues to support collectibulldogs like we have with him, Gary would like me to mention he’s own endorsements and those that keep him buff but I’ll leave the link to his page here Boxers and Bulldogs endorsement by Gary o Sullivan has all you of Gary’s social media links.

you can find this Irish ☘️ gentleman on Instagram, Facebook, an Twitter he gains new fans every day and if you watch his fights he’s entertaining from the time the music starts at ringside till that bell goes and Gary’s glove 🥊 goes up as the winner.

Bigger ambitions for o’Sullivan

Back to work a Gary O’Sullivan special

Back to work a Gary O’Sullivan special We’ve been tinkering with 3D designs as giveaways relating to our endorsement

Back to work a Gary O’Sullivan special

Back to work a O’Sullivan special All we need is some tweaks and Gary’s consent to recreate him

For our endorsement  it’s onwards and upwards this fellas ambition is to become the next or soon to be future light middleweight champion and that’s of the WORLD for that division, if Gary totally bulldozers through mungula then it’s either one more fight or it’s actually Gary’s time to shine


Imagine becoming the light middleweight champion of the world lifting that belt and remembering that long long road it took to get there, well that’s Gary’s path and I feel for anyone wanting to fight this powerhouse don’t let that moustache fool you.

Collectibulldogs has been a top fan of O’Sullivans for a while now we have spoken many a time yet he does go offline when in training unless he’s doing a charity post but this just shows that Gary is so committed to one day lifting that belt and feeling it’s all been worth it.


With my wife due to have a baby this December means this dad will be pulling a different set of punches, as night feeds and a baby wanting attention will surely be keeping me dancing about I will try to see if our web host can find a way to stream live to the website yes boxing is not for everyone but when a public figure helps out a one man team it’s only fair we give him the same respect  ✊.

Will try and get O’Sullivan word !

As stated we lost our Twitter connection but that does not mean it’s impossible to get hold of spike, if this can happen I’ll ask him if he’s available for a five min voice recorded interview or I can send him a list of questions to answer


Gary if you do read this we’d love to hear from you before jan 2020, Boxers tend to be very busy before a fight lol but let’s see if Gary will give up five minutes for us it helps he’s exposure and Gary’s page is one of our top read articles so he has lots of fans we hope we’ve created more since we collaborated.

Things like training nutrition sparring weight gain punch power arm reach these are all questions that are easy to answer and give everyone a better idea of what this Mungula is up against, Gary O’Sullivan is a born fighter so I ponder on which round Gary’s poor opponent hits the floor


With all to prove Gary will come out of that corner so focused everything else will become a blur as he gets to work ! Wether he needs to warm up and intimate Mungula with some playful jabs kidney punches or wants to prove a point and just go for the KO

For more information ℹ️ on boxer Gary O’Sullivan

Back to work a Gary O’Sullivan special

This fellas endorsement and 4 awards we are a lucky 🍀 website o’Sullivan 

If you want to follow Gary’s journey in a more Detailed way then I suggest you become a fan on one of Gary’s social media sites, the gentleman does reply when he can he’s not like most pros that either want money for a tweet shoutout or just plain ignorant! Gary is none of these his just training hard and cannot have disruptions or distractions.

Interest in His fights is rising fast not many enter a boxing ring with a Mexican hat on and that famous handle bar twisted moustache that Gary is known for, ringside or from a gadget if you can watch you’ll be in for a treat we feel this bout will have more umph as Gary shows his next opponent what’s coming.


FYI As I know How this fella thinks I know he would like to emphasise the importance of safety around the sport of boxing 🥊 he would also say that you can change your life though boxing you don’t have to want to become a boxing star either ! it’s a sport that’s safe in the right conditions and leads to a fitter life more disciplined Thinking and for many out there lost it’s a path worth treading.


So that’s our little snippet at the moment if I get a chance to talk to Him before Januaries fight I’ll definitely ask if he can do collectibulldogs a little interview I’ll explain he’s getting lots of attention though our bulldog memorabilia website which is great news for him and proves he chose a good site to be seen on.

Collectibulldogs endorsement returns a winner !

2022 update thank you fella

Its come to my attention that this page / article was not ranking yet it’s one of our more popular posts, collectibulldogs is lucky 🍀 we reached out one day expecting a No but instead a few weeks later He had sent his picture of him holding collectibulldogs up on his phone, outstanding.

We have not spoken to Our friend since TWITTER SUSPENDS US OVER A WIGGLES POSTwe have since spoken on Instagram and mr O’Sullivan has not said anything about not wanting to continue so we will be keeping our endorsement on the home page a proud part of the website just like the awards we’ve won, when we first started blogging we didn’t believe for one moment that 5 awards would be sent this way.

If you like more information on our amazing endorsement I hope the links we leave help

It’s my local services looking for folks to send them reviews about us

Encouraging words Pro Boxer Endorsement 

bulldog collectors club 2022 join now !

Gary 'Spike' O'Sullivan - The Prizefighter (promo)

Below is the latest fight we can find on YouTube please watch if your boxing fan see how this gentleman’s persona takes over any building or any ring he’s walking towards, I can see this fella becoming a much loved TV pundit one day in Ireland 🇮🇪 well that’s when he puts the gloves 🥊 /🧤 up.

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