GOLD, from medals to situations


I’m photobombing dads Blog


How you all doing I’m great and looking forward to Christmas

Hi readers I hope your all well, i wish to talk about all things Gold but I’m what’s classed as drafting at the moment I’ve had some very bad news concerning my mother so I’m fighting my demons ATM and distracting myself by blogging I just don’t know when I’ll finish or publish

You don’t want to hear my woes and due to the current upset my Blog would be crude and I wouldn’t notice if I had unwittingly given the wrong information or made a statement that could not be taken back, that’s why we are going to talk about the good things all that glistens is gold.


That shiny expensive of precious metals and even more so not only when it’s an antique gold bulldog medal but from my wife and the sentiment behind it, its Christmas soon and this is the only gift I know about and that’s because Debbie showed me early, her excuse was to explain why she had picked it.

Apparently I’ve been dad of the year and deserve a gold award 🥇 my wife refers to sorting out what was honestly a loan so our daughter could go to Spain our parents always refused and my parents were to poor, we didn’t want to be the parents that have to say no so I saved that day,


My wife stated it’s been a long worn out year and that I’ve mostly coped very well (I’m guessing mentally) as being a father does call for cognitive thought and responsibilities so building up frustrations and dealing with them was seen as a step forward, debs also mentioned the past issues I’ve dealt with this year and then weirdly congratulated me.


Our first Gold Medal

Half six in the morning on a Sunday and during chatting the wife says that is a little bit of a shock, she named my achievements better than I could and said she was most proud when seeing the exhibition but not only that the fact I had added my daughter into the project we’ve been together over 20 years so you will have to forgive me for taking it quite surprisingly.


The best news first me thinks lol, I submitted a blog too Brighton Museum a while back I had to look it back up to remember what the subject was as I write so many, and I recently found out it’s going to be published on the museums own website Blog space, it doesn’t stop there neither I’ve had confirmation that if my content is fresh, penned by me and relatable I can continue this.

The blogging part is ace I’m very excited even if it’s monthly or quarterly it means the museum have faith and trust in me which creates amazing self affirmation and after my sad news I can’t get enough of it. I will of course link people to the blog once it’s published it’s museum related so would look out of place here anyway.


Good News is coming in thick and fast presently and I’m hoping a new blogger known for working with Better Help and other mental health organisations is going to come and Blog for us at collectibulldogs, it’s not certain and even though her input would be like gold dust ie the latest on this subject matter I have explained that I talk more about my own health and by being open dispel any stigma.

We will see what gets submitted I don’t want to go down other paths and lose readers because there’s a big gap between collecting and miscellaneous blogs, it would be great if folks got in touch and produced ideas but as I say you are the silent viewers. I see my analytics so I know views are taking place (actually yesterday was best day of the yr so far 24th Nov 2017) I’m going off subject but over 8000 visitors came to see us that day and we Think WOW!!!.


We are always looking for bloggers or to guest for you


Our new new blogger could have gold plated news on mental health issues and has worked for mind etc


I can mention this now but please forgive me if anything comes across as vague, even though this is great news for me it’s case sensitive and I have to watch what I say but I can give you the back bones of it all, thanks to Brighton Museum I’m having a face to face meeting with my local MP about the state in which I was left in by the care services and how it can be amended if at all possible.

I asked Simon Kirby whom was my old MP he’s conservative by the way I contacted him and he wrote to me saying he had understood my needs and emailed my dr yet my dr has no record of this, I’m not going to slander the man but he has not helped not only my own process but of all the clients that use the East Brighton Mental Health Team,


I can’t give times places etc but the museum and museum mentors has set up after I wrote to my MP and will be standing in my corner at the meeting, this is a golden opportunity for me to state my case see if the MP sees my side of things and helps to get me back where I was before and at worst at least a second opinion, whilst I’m there I will of course also be mentioning my passion and what keeps me ticking over


thank you to the mentors at Brighton Museum


Numbers copied as of SATURDAY THE 24th NOVEMBER 2017

If you think when your reading this you maybe one of a few even I would think that if I didn’t have the facts, as you can see below the website is buzzing from addresses that are repeat viewers to brand new interest and I don’t sell anything.

I’m not sure how we became so popular and I’m guessing if we are that special then it’s only time before the collection is seen and known by the masses but until then I’m not complaining, I’m off now to do whatever and I’ll leave you by saying happy collecting.

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