Great start i was going to say join me for a cuppa but folks but the dogs just jumped up and now I am wearing my mine THANK YOU SCRUFFY LOUISE…

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Well readers I have to say this week has to a case of the good the bad and the bully with good and otherwise to right down in my blog, the scammer in my group has been outed and blocked from defrauding any more of my members and I have stopped all sales in my group until I feel comfortable and safe in the knowledge people can buy and sell with out getting ripped off, this was met with some members not happy with the rules being changed for now but they were not the persons out of pocket now and if they were, I’m sure their attitude towards my decision would be different of course.

Happy news  time!!!

Firstly all of one of my clients parcels have gone out its about 4 or 5 in total with some amazing goodies I’m she will adore and cherish i also donated some bully mugs to whatever bully cause she supports and I’m really happy to say that even though she has 3 dogs already she has gone and adopted a special needs English bulldog whom is a female of 5 months and is called Cleo which is short for Cleopatra.

I think anyone that takes on any rescue dog is a saint but those that choose to take on the responsibility of any breed that has issues must have great passion and commitment and this in my experience around owners with these beautiful animals and the effort they put in daily shows just that, I have also met amazing people around the world whom have pets with differing degrees of issues and all the owners and friends I talk with express just how much they love pets and never moan or complain so I tip my hat to all of you that rescue adopt and those that try their hardest to give disabled animals the best life possible.

As for myself this week i have not done to bad in the collecting sense i found a rare Austrian piece over in the states and after explaining to the seller that he had a rare piece and that his price was way to low he let me have the piece and we came to an agreement and I paid him double what he wanted which is still much less than its true value but he let me have it for being honest with him and can I just point out this sort of correspondence with sellers can lead to you gaining very unexpected contacts, once you get chatting and talk a bit about why you bought the piece and your collection a lot of these sellers will remember you when they are sourcing at estate sales and other outlets they vend from and will contact you if they find any goodies the seller I bought the Austrian piece from got back to me yesterday and offered me a ROYAL DOULTON seated English bulldog dated 1939.

This poor seller had me feeling so sorry for him if he had been pricing these pieces and selling for ages he must of lost a lot of money he offered me this piece for less than one hundred pounds which is less than a third of what most people normally pay so I paid him what we all pay and told him that he may want some free advice before listing his pieces and I will endeavour to help him even if it is not of a bulldog topic.

The end of the week or yesterday had to be my best day not only had I been automatically added to new groups which is great as I should be allowed to spread the COLLECTIBULLDOGS word about and I would like to thank those whom have added me recently it is nice to feel excepted and I hope my posts and invites go down well.

Lastly and I still think this is unreal but a certain artisan in my group has noticed a certain skill set in myself and has asked me if I wanted to work for him, he asked after a bad bowt of insomnia so I said I would discuss it once rested and can show my sincerest gratitude wide eyed and bushy tailed because believe me after 3 days with no sleep I’m useless for anything other than playing extras in zombie movies, if its not for me then so be it but I do like helping where I can so would still help the fella out wherever it is in his business it is he feels needs my help and I hope to do a blog on this fella in a few weeks once he sends me some content to add to my blog.

For a lot of you its bank holiday this weekend so if your having Monday off enjoy your lay ins with your furballs and have a relaxing day, I on the other hand cannot wait for Tuesday as the postal service starts back up again.


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