Virtual reality could be a real reality

Virtual reality

Google mirage virtual reality headset gives us brainwave


Hi there readers, possibly my last article as a single man 👨 so my last time unmarried wishing you all safe and well, the land of virtual reality is here and after Collectibulldogs acquired the Lenovo Google daydream we had a light 💡 bulb 💡 moment.


It is not hard to create your own world in VR and I’ve seen a friend create a home from scratch and each rooms TV was a computer setting it was very intriguing and brushing aside he’s smarty pants attitude he did a really good job with he’s virtual reality system.

Our virtual reality


Unlike other VR systems the Lenovo google daydream has a powerful processor with a snapdragon graphics system it also means you do not have to plug it in to a computer to enjoy the full six degrees of movement, other VR systems can only offer 3 degrees like the smart phone vrs.


Google have done well to team up with Lenovo the reviews are not that good but all aspects of technology can be seen as useful or useless depending, I’m still getting used to my Lenovo google mirage but from what I’ve experienced I believe it has the power and software to help me create.

VR hopes


So with this there will be a virtually made museum containing all my pieces they will not be 3D at first as I will not have the skill set to scan each object but they should be moveable and each one holding its own information ℹ️ next to it just like a real museum does.


I will not need lee to come to my aid as it’s not website related but as technical ability gets better I’m hoping there’s a 2D version I can add to the website, the screen would be just like a YouTube clip in appearance but when you curser over it and use prompted arrow keys even desktop users should be able to join in.

Virtual reality

Google’s virtual reality mirage daydream

From VR to virtually not there


I’ve been checking the past few months and I’m yet to find anything from Wikipedia about Collectibulldogs or the niche it’s amazing we are so original but also lonely, not sure what’s happened to us online we’ve had no article offers what so ever and only guest posts out.


A massive thank you to Mullards antiques for the guest Post opportunity we love 💗 guest posting for others and do not feel we should have to pay for the privilege, we’ve built up something great here and with ideas like VR just like the YouTube idea means I have something to do and also improves Collectibulldogs for you good folk.

I’ll see you all on the other side (married life)


I doubt google or moz could see it as a generous gift to aid our DA Domain Authority most folk say do not buy the mirage but I say do maybe a point or two as a wedding gift please lol, my brother will be arriving in Brighton tomorrow 1st and staying at my home over night and here to make sure I get up lol.


After bath and shave it’s off to get my haircut and back home to suit up grab the rings and hit a pub for a quick pint, I’ve gone from OCD PTSD and the worst of it  Unstable Emotional Personality Disorder, to standing in front of I think 80 people that will witness my marriage live.


Speaking of live I’ve swallowed any anxiety and if you follow me at @collectibulldog (press our icons) you’ll see a live periscope version of our wedding totally live, I’ll be adding this to Google’s youtube format then I can watch it again and again on Google’s Lenovo mirage

Brightons world famous beach sunset in true video mode


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