174 thousand reasons why place your blog article here

Blog article

Place a blog article with us 174 thousand reasons why

Blog article could be on twitter in front of thousands

Hi Readers here’s to all being safe out there WOW comes to mind haven’t we been busy and now there’s 174 thousand reasons why bloggers writers advertisers, anyone with a vested interest should notice we’ve hit our TWITTER record, that’s correct it’s the highest ever and rising and the best time to place a blog article

The website has an automatic posting widget that will automatically put out each blog article but that does not include the information or hashtags needed to really give the article a boost on the TWITTER format, if you were to guest here we will sort out everything from the best information needed for the google page right through to publication and any revisions needed of course.

Blog article



As well as hashtagged target audience a good blog article or interesting subject will get likes and retweets too this pushes your article even further and if you were to check our Sunday feeds you’ll see we have a potential metric reach of 50 million, that’s a lot of viewers right.

Im afraid to say it’s not all good news as that’s the weekly potential for our particular page and does not mean a  guaranteed 50 million TWITTER followers will see or repost your article but more a maybe or as I stated it also depends on what the article is about TWITTER is a fast format so grabbing attention takes time and making friends and connections too.

Get blog Article published on TWITTER

Blog article

TWITTER loves wiggles


TWITTER is our highest following apart from our amazing return visitors and we have grown to really like lots of the accounts there this is reciprocal and I retweet for as many people as possible, this not only helps to create mutual retweeters but many with accounts our size charge ?

Your blog article published here has the translation bar for ease with language and our following is from around the world so your audience won’t be just from one country, we love our TWITTER followers especially those that ❤️Us too and they would help get articles going for me as well as your targeted audience, a screen shot of website hits for your article can be seen any time.

Place Blog article on 30+ DA Website


Thats right we are just as amazed I even asked my host to check again, we are not quite three years old yet but it seems my blog and antiques combo have grabbed us more points nore more attractive to bloggers and those wanting anchor texts and backlinks, this is an achievement I actually feel good about.

With a DA Domain Authority of 34 and 42 for page rank we are now just starting to become a properly scored venture with only one way to go 👆👆👆👆….. heres to hoping with the SEO done that google and moz will notice and increase us up to 40, even more attractive to others. We know we are no where near the highest but we are growing fast.

Interested in blog article placement


Ive been approached by a few so far you may of seen a blog article or two not written by me there’s hyper links on blog articles as well as anchor text, people are offering money to place a blog article this is either for the traffic, the backlink, or those they call affiliates (the blog article that leads you to buy or tempt you) we do negotiate as we would like the content.

On the other foot please may I put out an appeal to bloggers or writers to let me come and guest, other than my own website url the blog article would be of genuine content and a savvy blogger would agree just to rank for new keywords but I cannot force anyone and would love to be asked, I’d collaborate with said other and make things fair.

Join us on TWITTER @Collectibulldog


When twitter purged in July and we dropped from 174 to 150 this had a negative effect on my OCD I work hard on TWITTER to gain my following as I do not have many of my own niche following me and the purge setting me back was a hard pill to swallow but why I’m so proud to be able to do a blog article on how we have beaten our record.

Come join us the more the merrier and Also if I may if you are on TWITTER could you please retweet our pinned post we achieve all the requirements for verification but still they do not hear us,so wether you want an article sent out let us blog on your website or become TWITTER chums I’m happy with any and still buzzing off our new DA happy collecting folks and stay safe

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