Bulldogs owners have a great week

Hi Bulldogs and my readers,

Bulldogs owners

Wiggles says hi on this update Bulldogs owners

Firstly can I say THANK YOU to a wonderful lady that set me up on twitter so that my bulldogs owners blogs are seen by more of the people local to my area, I want to say that I’m really grateful for you helping me and I hope I can gain more followers that will find an interest in reading my English bulldogs collection blog.

Secondly and after I got my wires crossed in a previous blog I want to say a massive THANK YOU to Theo the editor of the great read BULLISH MAGAZINE, now I thought when he emailed he wanted myself to do a blog on his magazine but was surprisingly stunned when he told me that it is BULLISH MAGAZINE that wish to do a small part on COLLECTIBULLDOGS!

I think as an advert but I do not mind at all I’m excited and cannot wait for the next issue to come out and see what was put up about my site, its all fantastic and as I’m always worrying that I am not getting coverage or readers, its a breathe of fresh air to be noticed and asked and because the power of advertising is strong I hope my little venture starts to make a name in the bully world so THANK YOU to BULLISH MAG for the privilege of being in one of your issues.

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Ok readers I am sorry to say but I need to add new pages to the site or ask for advice about cataloguing pieces or there will be endless lists and dozens of pages showcasing different items and I would like to keep the list of pages to a minimal as I would like to strive to make the perfect site that’s easy to navigate without endless pages of content.

Bulldogs owners

Unforgettable Bulldog Antiques Website 2022
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Bulldogs owners

This came to me after going through one of my drawers today and finding bulldogs pieces that would not sit right in the pages already set up I will start that today and I think there is about five cubboards and three drawers full of pieces I have either forgotten I had or placed away for safe keeping, once finished I’m hoping two to three new pages at the most that way I can put the whole collection up instead of just certain sub sections.

I have taken down the sales page I do not wish to start selling yet, I want to get the site right and work on writing a better blog, it brings me nicely to my next part and that’s Christmas.

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If you need inspiration then hint some sites to your loved ones where they will find many a collectible to add to your collections get them looking at rubylane.com etsy.com ebay and other related sites or there is hundefigurin.de for more investable pieces but I would look elsewhere first as this seller is quite pricey and you can find the same pieces cheaper but they do have some rare special pieces that would be the envy of any collection.

As for myself I’m looking forward to the coming week I have the RD piece coming and that large rare Austrian piece so come on postman I had best make a start on sorting out my pieces and I wish you all a bully great week.

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Sunny colourful bright and beautiful 2022is just one of the many brilliant articles you’ll miss out on if you bounce off now but if you do go then here’s a couple of social media pages that collectibulldogs has colonised lol,  Facebook is one account with 7200 followers or there’s or Pinterest account by Pressing this link you can join over 37 thousand members

Wow amazing blog at Brighton museum 2022

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