Resin bulldog figurine

Resin bulldog figurine

Hi viewers as a guest writer for Eiffion’s blog I have decided to make my contribution on something that keeps coming to mind of and on.

While scrolling through the many and varied pieces and variety of materials used, and enjoying the quality of many high end pieces such as Royal Doulton, Bing Grondahl, Huebach and many others, the Silver and Gold.

So while many followers may have some of those listed above, not all of us have the where with or be able to afford them.

That said I come to my point of noticing an area not represented and the reasons are obvious, as the collection is based on one man’s Personal Passion to form a valuable Legacy that holds its value and hopefully increases over time with investment pieces.

To benefit his daughter.

We have all heard of the Ice Age and the stone Age. So for this purpose I suggest Jovally we now experience in live in the SYNTHETIC AGE.

These man made materials form a large part of our lives. Plastics Nylon Acrylic Resin.

RESIN made collectables, Resin probably computer generated moulds so well the detail achieved is quite excellent.

Bulldogs abound made from this Material some so life like down to such detail when posted have been mistaken for a real life Bulldog. See the pictured.

So for collectors who own these, I have a couple.

They are no less enjoyed than the items that can cost an arm and a leg.

So I close by saying that the real, ESSENCE of collecting is if it warms your heart and gives you great pleasure when you look at it, I believe it has earned it’s humble place on your shelf.

Even RESIN has its place among collectables and enjoyed with no bias.
So enjoy collecting no matter what the medium it’s made off.

Resin bulldog

Resin bulldog

Pictures from the past a gallery of history

Howdy there there folks I hope your all well and safe, thank you to our guest blogger, for her insight into pieces obtainable that are made of cheaper forms of material, these make great collections in themselves and there are many companies around the world that churn out these pieces even made to your own custom requirements and some are made to a very high standard.

I have done a blog before on the materials used which are normal plastic resin and marble powder mixes with some companies even boasting that they use secret ingredients.

I have made a gallery below of the pictures I have found from the past some are of famous paintings and others just a joy to look at, I have taken out any pictures that I feel may offend some this are pictures of past sports now banned (rightly) and even though bulldogs played a big part in that gruesome time I’d rather just show pictures that have a historic or happy feel.

Picture gallery one

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Picture gallery two

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Picture gallery three

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The bulldog can be seen changing through history in these beautiful antique and vintage old pictures all of which can be found to study if googled and researched.

I hope you enjoy looking at a snap shot of the past, some breeds now extinct and others still mans most faithful friend.

Please note I do apologise if any of the pictures posted have caused any offence it was only my gesture to show many of my readers a look into bulldog history through these wonderful paintings and pictures that have stood the test of time.

Till next time folks happy collecting…

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