What a couple of dogs named scruffy-Louise and wiggles have in common

The irreplaceable Scruffy-Louise

Collection Chariots of fire

Part of our team and collection The first hero behind Collectibulldogs

What do a couple of dogs names Scruffy-Louise and Wiggles have in common with a silver plate humidor made around 1870, the Brighton Toy Museum in the United Kingdom or a Japanese Akari pattern painted seated bulldog piece over the 100 years old have in common? It is a passion for Bulldogs.
Recently we came across a very remarkable family with a very special interest in Bulldogs that took a dramatic turn into an inspiring collection of Antique Bulldog items that takes your breath away.

In total awe and envy to be so surrounded by the wide-ranging diversity of items dedicated to the Bulldog we just had to learn more.

Who would have known there was such an array?

That some of these items could be over 200 years old in private collections of a family who is eager to share them with total strangers of other Bulldog admires and the general public we find also amazing.

Such is the nature of the impact of having been exposed to the Bulldog.

Eiffion Ashdown told us “I’m a Bully addict I run the English bulldog collectors club.” when we first started discussing his collection.


Our bulldog antiques collection

Eiffion’s website blog explains how he got attracted to collecting Bulldog pieces. “My collection has one sole purpose, and that’s to make it so my Antique Bulldog collection is worthy of auction one day or in years to come, this is so that my daughter can go to university once leaving college and study to live whatever dreams she wants as her vocation in life.

Here’s to hoping she decides to work with animals. I know back when I was younger I wanted to become a vet but there are so many other possibilities out there, and I want the world to be her oyster but her happiness has always been my number one priory.

It’s been an absolute honor and privilege to have created all this for her and I hope it keeps me out of a care home (nursing home) in years to come. I’m not sure when I will stop collecting but I am sure that I am having a great time in this bully bonkers world!”

You have to admit this is an excellent reason to collect unique Bulldog items.

We had to know “How did Eiffion start out putting this collection together? Where did he learn what is valuable, faux, or imitation?”

“I started out with the least expensive, more obtainable English Bulldog pieces. This continued at a steady pace for a year or two with me learning all the time, until one day I realized unwittingly, I had taught myself a lot about Bulldogging and also the best English Bulldog types dates etc.

To invest in on this crusade of mine. I did not have the kind of money needed for top quality pieces, till I met a gentleman into Bulldogs like me. I started buying high end pieces off him with a monthly payment arrangement until paid up. I have gone on to meet many wonderful sellers, dealers and contacts since then. I would love nothing more than to get my collection recognized. I hope one day someone spots what I have put together and think WOW!!!”

“JUST DO IT.” As Eiffion tells us in his blog “On the 19 Oct 2015 I was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I’ve struggled with this for years now and during the making of this site, I want to disclose this information so to inspire others with disorders like mine to follow their dreams and passions, I’ve found it a great distraction, a great way of investing in my daughter’s future, and a great way to meet new people. I have been so warmly welcomed into the Bulldog community whom are a great bunch and have helped me in many ways.

Never quit trying

“My ultimate dream would be a Bulldog museum where a few choice collectors curate a catalogued collection running through the different genres like the history advertising propaganda a good two hundred years of Bulldog history just like a museum but all Bulldog.”

Did you know there is not a museum dedicated to the Bulldog? Not one in the United Kingdom? Not one in the United States either?

Eiffion’s efforts have captured his whole family (want something the whole family can do together?) Eiffion’s wife has embraced the uniqueness of this collection. “Eiffion started collecting Bulldogs six years ago.

The Bulldogs were just standard pieces with no maker’s marks. Within a few months, he had collected several pieces. He started looking for designer pieces and that’s where he fell in love with his collection even more.


Part of our collection

Slowly but surely, amazing pieces were becoming part of his collection, that made his passion for collecting Bulldog items even more serious.

It didn’t have to be a Bulldog statue, if it had a Bulldog on it, he would have to have it.

That’s when he also decided to learn about the maker’s marks and back stamps and where they were made.

Eiffion knows most of the maker’s marks and what country the item was made in. To this day his collection is a testament to his passion for his daughter’s future, and of collecting Bulldogs.

He even has a very old Bulldog toy which is displayed in our local toy museum. All his pieces are displayed in cabinets and he organizes them from the maker’s mark country of origin and material.”

Antique Japanese bulldog collection

Antique Japanese bulldog collection

You really need to know who the special dogs are that have taken over this family’s life. You know its always is the dog’s fault, when something happens, and this is no exception… We understand that it all started with a Bulldog named Scruffy-Louise. In fact, the website is dedicated to “SCRUFFY-LOUISE THE BEST BULLDOG THAT COULD EVERY HAS BEEN !!!”

Some of the many books from the collection

Some of the many books from our collection



Scruffy-Louise is accredited for changing Eiffion’s life. Her memory is still the inspiration and she is considered a fundamental part of motivational direction for this massive one of a kind collection of antique collectible Bulldogs.

“Scruffy-Louise was our very first Bulldog, a massive change to our previous chosen breed the Boxer dog.  I have met new people, friends, contacts, and even clients from all over the world since joining the Bulldog world which I’m eternally grateful for.”

Like all hooked Bulldog lovers, after the passing of Scruffy-Louise the family could

It's wiggles a big part of the collection

It’s wiggles

not survive long without opening their home to their current reigning Bulldog, Wiggles. Thus ensuring that Collectibulldogs.com, the number one UK site for Collectible Bulldogs will continue to delight and amaze collectors, Bulldog fans and dog lovers the world over.

A testament to the great influence the Bulldog breed has had on humans “The Bulldog dates back over two centuries. In the collector’s game, Bullies have been the focus of artists, companies advertising, the US Marine Corps’

Some of the many pieces of the collection

Some of the many pieces

Mascot, Mack trucks, WW1-2 propaganda among others. There is no other dog as well depicted from history in a collectible object as there is the Bulldog.”

Eiffion ,“…hopes to inspire others into starting their own collections, and ventures. Bulldog collectibles come in all shapes and sizes. We have amassed so far rare antique collectibles, artwork, books and other one of a kind pieces.

This is a world class collection of antique English Bulldog collectibles, dating back over two centuries, made in many countries.

You are invited to contact him directly, ask questions about individual pieces or seek help in identifying items you would like help in identifying that you might have.

We have provided links to his website and Facebook page so you can admire this treasure trove of collectible Bulldog figurines and collectible antiquities from a bygone era. Eiffion welcomes your sharing of his sites and would love your feedback.

“In January of 2015 I loaned a piece from my collection to the Brighton toy museum.

The old growler from our collection

The old growler from our collection

It’s the Olde growler piece dated 1800s I was not thinking right when I bought this piece as it needs specialist attention to keep it from falling apart, having a museum borrow your piece is great as it keeps your investment safe and they specialize in preservation.

Whereas the piece would have just sat in my cabinet till it turned to dust if you wish to see other pieces at this museum they are at Brighton Museum it’s a great place even the location is unusual situated under an old Victorian rail way station and easy to get to using all forms of transport… “

Eiffion Ashdown “I chose the Bulldog after researching dogs.

If I had my way, the home would be full of Boxer dogs they are the best breed for folks like me.

They are the best for anxiety and mental health related issues etc . When I first started, I was buying anything with a Bulldog on it. It wasn’t till I got serious that I started finding the world’s best and all this is driven by my love for my daughter.

I’ve been fighting my illness every day I’ve been in this game. But it (the collection) saved me. I’ve gone from a nobody, to having friends like top judge Norman Davis.

You know people are starting to take what you are doing very seriously when you start receiving signed books from top respected people in our field like retired world judge Norman Davis.

My bit

I would like to thank Donna for the amazing guest blog and from a totally different breed advocate too, Donna and others like her run the Boston terrier network over in the United States and I will leave a link so you may check out the wonderful work they do. I will clean the link up once I can get to my laptop

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