Guest post introduction
Hi there collectibulldogs readers
Recently, Eiffion Ashdown approached me to introduce Our website to you all and share a bit of the knowledge of animals found on this website for animal lovers.
I find that a strong common ground binds us, and that is the passion we have for English Bulldogs and for animals in general, respectively. And it always remains …Passion!
Appreciating this platform that Collectibulldogs offers me, it is with pleasure that I agree to help you discover “THE” website where you learn about the beauty of living with an animal that each day loves us unconditionally and that sometimes is quite a bundle to handle!

Meet Bernard and Virus from clanimal
Clanimal the beginnings
So here is how is born:
January 24, 2009 began an experience that will change my life!
I am Bernard Raymond, the founder and Chief Passionate Officer at and it is on January 24, 2009 that the “best friend” that I have been waiting for more than 35 years entered my life … Virus, a Deutsche Dogge that I had wanted since the age of 14!
Nevertheless, about 4 years before starting my experience with, began my personal preparation for the arrival of the dog that I had wanted for almost all my life.
After going through the stages of learning about the breed, analyze my lifestyle to see if this breed suited me, learn how to feed and take care of it and choose the best breeder (which took me almost 1 year and half!) … and then, the wait after “Mother Nature” began!
All this led me to create, thinking that I was not the only one on the planet to have passed through so many obstacles, fears and research, not to mention being completely “gaga “for my dog.
So I said to myself “Let’s create a community of animal lovers where people will not be left to themselves during the process of finding their favourite companion, supported by others of the same kind … then was born! is:
beings connected to other animal lovers in the world based on the type or breed of the animal, your interests / activities, or any other subject of interest;
to be informed and educated on animal subjects such as training, behaviour, food and veterinary medicine, to name a few, and to be heard on animal / human issues such as abuse, abandonment, breeding, laws and regulations, and so many others;
Our Philosophy
“Clanimal is built on the feeling existing “in the moment” between the human and the animal, as well as on the impact this relation has on the life of each one.

Clanimal Bernard with virus commits to:
a) always be there for the members of the Clan,
b) continually ensure the quality of the following: connect people with the same interests (type or breed of animal, etc.), educate and inform humans on the basis of generous and solid advice from professionals as well as other passionate animal lovers, and
(c) constantly make a difference in society by improving the relationship between humans and animals, by being involved in social issues relating to humans and animals;
My role as a visionary is to be “in the moment”, and to constantly observe, listen and reinvent my vision according to the different stages of my leadership.
My inspiration comes from those I serve: “Humans and Animals!
I invite you to become members and follow us on our social media and a very special thanks to Eiffion Ashdown to give me the privilege to use his beautiful website that Collectibulldogs is!
Bernard Raymond,
Founder & Chief Passionate Officer at
4300 St-Ambroise, unité 120, Montréal (Québec) H4C 3R3 Tél : (514) 878-2828 Fax : (514) 878-2830 Courriel :
Maybe not big to some but great news for us !!!
please note this blog has been placed in news a blog like this would normally go into the uncategorised section but virus and he’s owner Bernard will be regulars and also strong supporters of collectibulldogs
même si tu n’aime pas les animaux, aprés avoir lire cet article vous allez devenir un fans d eux
it’s awesome to add guest photos to a blog ! good job