Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia


Good day there folks avid readers and any new visitors I hope as always your safe and well, Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia is actually an inspired blog I’m dedicating to a football mad friend on twitter whom can be relyed upon to help out with our interactions Eric this ones for you dude.Check out Eric at twitter he used to have a mega following until twitter deemed his account for sticking up for someone


In the collection there is a staggering amount of pieces that are just of the bulldogs head ! And as I look around I notice more and more heads, busts and even in the jewellery too so I thought it might be nice to share some of what we have here in an article actually inspired by football ⚽️


HEADERS ! Make great goals and when I put two and two together after reposting one of erics posts that there is a large amount of pieces here just that score in their own right, I’ve seen pieces of other breeds with bust type and jewellery but it’s Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia as you will soon see.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Terracotta bulldog head (large)

The ceramics here start with a large pure white head it’s a brilliant piece of pottery and a one of a kind which as always we are lucky to have, this is then shrunk to the tiny pieces we have I’m not sure of the usage I’m guessing some were brooches but lost their pins.


Head busts have become more popular over the years most are from free lance artists but companies like Sherret and Simpson have made their own version and I’m sure if you did a google search other companies would have their own versions,

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

ceramic head used to be for cigars

Crown Devon do a collectible version that I found two of here a clever piece that can stand alone or be hung on the wall as most are usually used for I wished I had the Royal Doulton Bulldog head here that would be amazing but that’s a very rare and expensive piece but can be found if researched.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Crown Devon double act


Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Going potty for Austrian pottery

The pinicle piece we have here has to be the Austrian head pot, a piece made to be a humidor now makes a lovely pot for trinkets etc, due to its rarity and age we do not use but just display it with the others, Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia continues with jewellery!


Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

A Joan rivers piece starts off this section the piece is super blinging but believe it to not just half an inch high, it could be a zip puller or  A Dorman for something like a hand bag or purse, it’s got the old style bulldog subject but still a nice piece to own.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Joan rivers inspired


A lot of the heads in the jewellery are on the rings we have a selection of around eight to ten, a couple are Danbury mint some are silver and there’s a Ed Hardy ring with a dangling bulldog head from well a bulldog head ring,


theres a section here of pendants rings cufflinks and some charms there’s also antique Victorian hair pins and hat pins and an assortement of bulldog heads that we have acquired that were for some purpose but now proudly displayed here as part of the collection.


Bulldog memorabilia art in paintings 🖼

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Art works

This has been a popular theme for decades maybe even longer, some people either buy or have a commission done of their beloved bulldog but just of the head, there’s also artists that just take the form of the head as the subject for a particular piece they are doing.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Our first bulldog drawn by a friend

we own quite a few pieces of art here that has this as it’s theme Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia in artform, I have stated that I’m not good when it comes to art or artists I’ve researched a couple and worked with a few artists but unless it’s signed and on google then that’s where my skill set stops sadly.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Award type wall plaque

Anyways art is conceptually for the individual so what I may find beautiful others may not but there’s no saying a beautifully done painting or drawing of a bulldog wether with body or not is everyone’s cup of tea but coming from someone whom gets frustrated just opening paints I tip my hat to those that can.


Metal Bulldog memorabilia heads !

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Bronze Vesta case

We love the inkwells we have here they are bronze in form and one has a gothic style look with plenty of age the other is smaller with a top hat, these were made for different purposes as I’ve seen them as match holding Vestas with no hat and a strick area up the back of the piece.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Olde style antique bronze inkwell

A pair of small busts were gifted to me by my brother in law one year and there’s a signed small bust / head too, I managed to also find a brass piece that compliments its ceramic counterpart, I’ve found a pipe with a bulldog head on and we have various brass pins dishes too, I wished I could say there’s lots in the metals but it’s more ceramics and art I guess metal pieces needed a useage to pay for its raw material costs, our search continues!

ill show an example of some of the pieces that are here but solve no purpose my example I believe is a cane head but I cannot be to sure, with what is screw in the bottom it’s still a nice bulldog head and like some of the metal pin dishes here is rare ! Well for my collection anyways.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia Metal bulldog pin dishes

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

A walking cane head maybe ? Write in if you know !


Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Metal bully head inkwell




Wooden Bulldog memorabilia!

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia Wooden ink well

Wooden ink well little n large 1860s

This Section is easy I love the Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia in our wooden section only as I love the form it’s one of our oldest forms of material from 🔥 fires in in the neolithic prehistoric times to keep wild animals away and to keep warm to making houses boats and everything in between


Treen wood has a lovely colour polish and feel depending on the artist and what they are trying to achieve I once saw a Treen horses head that opened into a drinks 🍸 compartment the mane of the horse was absolutely stunning with every strand being seen, others like the almost black effect if it’s Black Forest but either wood has been and is a versatile long lasting material to work with.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Pair of treen humidors

Each of the pieces as far as far as I can tell are all either vintage in age or much older, wether it’s the inkwell or it’s mini counterpart with the same face just smaller or the pair of Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia Treen bulldog heads I got a very good price (that’s why we have two) both the ink wells and humidors (for keeping tobacco fresh) all date from the mid to late 1800s.


The match holder I’m showing I presume to be a desk piece I know matches were essential but carrying this in your pocket seems a little dangerous and not like the metal match Vestas seem more for on the move, with this piece you just slide the box in the back and it’s a hidden box of matches with the strike part that came with match boxes as the disposable strike.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Green match box holder


Hey I know Eric’s going to be reading this please give the fella a follow if your on twitter or if you read this down the line Eric lost he’s first account with over one hundred thousand followers until he started defending people you see twitter isn’t like Facebook you don’t get warnings for anything and it’s hard to come back from a suspension.


Hopefully encluding eric in the article he will see he’s a dude on twitter he absolutely adores wiggles and I’m hoping after his ego comes back down that all around the world will be reading about him and the time spent he may boost his retweets for Collectibulldogs (we get enough for wiggles she sells herself no hashtags needed ie 207k already) amazing I know right.


If you were to hit this link and scroll down you’ll find my legit way of how I’m growing at a steady rate the only crazy thing about twitter is you cannot put a solid guarantee on what are called mutuals you can have a core set one week and becouse you decide to spend a day or two gaining you lose their faith “interest” I’m staying mutuals yet I see it as if there’s more followers to follow us there’s more people looking at your posts or interact with you depending on your niche.


Before I go I’d like to say it was my birthday yesterday March the 10th I had a quiet peaceful day in with no fuss I asked for nothing this year I believe my freedom coming up on a motorcycle is good enough for any middle aged fella like me, all I need is my specs and it’s Vroom Vroom, until next time stay safe and happy collecting.

Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia

Had the perfect birthday 

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