International women’s day ! My wife Debbie

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie

Hi readers I hope your well, it’s International women’s day ! My wife Debbie has no idea 💡 I’m writing this and hope to surprise her today when it’s published onto her Facebook page but I welcome all to read, Debbie has proven to be a beautiful partner and now she’s my beautiful wife.


Weve been together for coming on to twenty four years now you could say we are unconventional childhood sweethearts both really needing each other at a young age as our worlds were crumbling around us, Debbie had moved out at only a young age and I lost my father before going into the care system, when your young you do not think about down the line and I’m proud of our amazingly long relationship/ friendship.


On International women’s day ! My wife Debbie will be doing her usual sequence of events and why I think she’s super duper, my debbie likes to wake up early (way to early) and once she has a coffee and does washing up she’s wide awake, I’m not allowed to do this chore nor put the washing out debs is funny about that.


Debbies dad went into a nursing home last year and her mum is having tests for Parkinson’s and her own husband has complex mental health issues so juggling the three cannot be easy, I’m ok stuck in front of the iPad but my debbie goes to see her dad which can be harrowing due to dementia and she’s worried about her mum now too.

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie


Well as it’s International women’s day ! My wife Debbie deserves this dedication she’s been a rock in my life she showed me both her inner and outer beauty at the wedding but I already knew this that’s why I eventually plucked up the courage to fight my demons and brave Society for one day lol.


Im sorry and feel helpless that life has turned out like this for debbie her kindness is beyond appreciation and she’s the rock in our little family the glue that keeps us all together and this is a great way of showing how appreciated debbie is in our home, from loving partner to loving wife I couldn’t ask for more.


We all have our ups and downs as people wether we are in relationships or not and Debbie and myself chose not to argue anymore a few years ago and it’s worked wonders for us, we both have our moments but the love we’ve developed over all them years assures me that we will be man and wife forever ♾ a cool 😎 thought !


Its always the little things isnt it like a refill refill in a cup of tea or spontaneous kisses maybe Xs in texts it doesn’t take much to show your feelings I’m often up very late so if I wait an hour or so I know debbie is about to rise and make her coffee ☕️ in bed giving her more time to wake up plus it’s fun watching debbie go from 0 to 60 miles an hour after one cup.

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie

International women’s day ! My wife Debbie



To all ladies around the world on International women’s day ! My wife Debbie included have a great day of sister solidarity I’m definitely one for equality and diversity so all power to you, I’m hoping for an international Bulldog day one day myself I’ll have to start a hashtag or campaign going.


So debbie I hope you enjoyed my little message to you I hope the title was ok (International women’s day ! My wife Debbie) as I’m using it to rank with lol, you most probers didn’t know of this day where your so busy but it is an actual day and I will be celebrating your femininity with you or however you decide to celebrate 🎉


I hope this shows you that your loved your appreciated and I will always be by your side as your husband and as your friend I mean who wouldn’t your awesome and absolutely rock my world, you also gave me the best present in the world which I could never be thankful enough for my daughter whom completes our perfect little family.


Before i I go I want o say I hope your happy with your life I hope I make you happy and not to much of a second child lol, I want you to be as happy as you can stay as beautiful as you are and just carry on being the fantastic you debbie, International women’s day ! My wife Debbie I love you and now the world knows too.

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