
Good morning readers well I say that as I arose just after midnight I suffer with insomnia and had just zonked out whilst getting ready to do my blog, I thought this blog could be an update as to where I have got too these last two weeks.

Firstly I have to say I have experienced anxiety over the last couple of weeks I bought some pieces from a collector and as its been such a long time I am thinking pessimistic thoughts but I’m covered by paypal kept a copy of our conversations and will get a refund if he fails to send he will also get investigated by paypal and the online fraud team yet a small part off me still thinks to believe him but either way I get my goods or money back.

Now for something more happy I am still amazed by the scale in which new members are checking out the site and the page views jump by 20 or 50 or so when I check which in my eyes is just incredible and I’m genuinely so thankful to everyone taking time out to come have a look and I will endeavour to keep adding interesting pictures and info with just a small hint of cheeky flare.

I’m disappointed in a way with my facebook page, I had reached a point where I had quite a large reach but because I have been doing other bulldog related stuff I have neglected the page a little bit and would like to say sorry to my page followers I was hoping my internet host would help link everything up but it was not to be and leads me on to the next part.

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I do art once a week at my local museum and Debbie the lady that runs the group has offered me some technical assistance and is introducing me to the museums head blogger for tips and to help me find a wider audience that may be interested in reading this, as for myself I’m spreading the word about collectibulldogs but mainly on face book and the reason why I need this help to push forward and grab others attention using different media formats. I have started this myself you can find my posts on pinterest, instgram and at @aveashdown44 on twitter these are all slow going but its a start and I hope to gain followers on all formats drawing their interest to my wonderful new site.

If you great people could help spread the word that would be fantastic as searching for my site on different search engines really helps to gain google search words so invaluable help.

Its now nearly 5am and I need caffeine so I will go get a cuppa and let you folks do the same or sweet dreams to those other side of the world.

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