Not Gloomy

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Hello readers and how are you all? Doing well I hope and hopefully like me getting Christmas out of the way before we start our sourcing researching etc. only and like others I have a birthday to pay for straight after Christmas so collecting for myself or others doesn’t normally start till around February.

While waiting for resources to become available I’ve been networking and trying to figure out why the websites views are so low at the moment.

I have accounts on facebook Google plus Twitter Instagram and various other social media, so it’s not like I’m not pushing myself to get Collectibulldogs out there amongst the masses.

Im not down about this I just thought the website would be a hit with doggy lovers and collectors alike I thought many more would email in for assistance or even reply to my blogs with good or bad reviews comments opinions and ideas so I’m not sure what’s going on wether my site is seen as amateur boring or even if it can be found in search bars when looking.

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The six months rental for weebly is nearly up and I made a promise to keep it going so that’s what I shall do but will need to rethink how I best use medias and learn other forms of networking otherwise the views will remain the same which if you own a website you will know is annoying and a little down heartening.

I’ve made a start on one media that’s full I do not know most of the folks added and I’m sure my hobby doesn’t apply to them as there’s nether any likes so making way for more interested folk seems like a good idea and please don’t think I’m an ogre I really don’t know this people lol.

Yay the blog has an upside!!! I’m so happy to say that I have been doing really well on Instagram I’m over 1500 followers now and the followers there like my posts with nice messages and tonnes of likes and the the other yay comes from a new account on Google plus, this media has hundreds of communities catered for all and your friends there can go over the 5000 limit you sometimes get on other medias which is great for finding new friends collectors and lovers of the bulldog breed…

Can I remind folks Ed the websites guest seller is still with us he has many collectibles he wants to pass on and I believe he has made a start already but has lots of choice and willing to haggle.

Ok so keeping on a happy tone and if you have not seen already we have a new page at Collectibulldogs called funny pics it’s a page where with the owners express permission pictures are submitted of the funny or cute kind for viewers of the site to either contribute to or just to muse.

Please feel free to drop a line if you wish to see your bulldog doing funny things.So far off the top of my head I need to thank mr Simpson mr and Mrs Rowe Mrs wheeler Mrs Watkins mr Hendlowitch mr Ratcliffe Robyn (sorry couldn’t remember last name and get it wrong) all your submissions have been wonderful and I hope more follow soon.

Its been a while now since Wiggles came and joined the family and I’m happy to say she is loving her new home I think a little too much as she is always dry humping the sofa cushions when we go to bed and she’s alone in the front room.

We were going to start wiggles on a training session by session basis these coming months but Debbie has wiggles toilet habits coming on in leaps and bounds,Wiggles still has a puppy pad down but did her first number two outside yesterday which to us is a big leap forward.

Our new bulldog is just as cute as she looks and has started a bit of a following due to her cuteness.Debs has graciously opted to give up some work time to spend with wiggles as daddy is just not good enough a ladies dog through and through (even bribed).

I would like to finish on an optimistic level and say that hopefully things will pick up and the views will come back I can add more to the catalogued pieces but I’m not sure that would create new views but I will get on that any way, I need to describe some pieces already on the site that I’ve missed and go through the collection to see what I have missed out.

Please do get in touch a couple have already I try my best to help and again if you want to be on the external links page get in touch to have it done. If you do find my posts on medias please be mindful I do this for others and any shares you reshares are a very appreciated gesture thank you very much indeed, I’m off for now so HAPPY COLLECTING every body…

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