Kindness matters in all walks of life !

Kindness matters be kind always

Kindness matters try to always be kind to others

Hello to my dear friends across the pond from Wynne Guglielmo of Lamoine, Maine USA. And hello and welcome Helene Petersen, who has reached out to Eiffion(kindness matters)  to share one another’s blog links. Here along the coast of Maine–not to far from Bar Harbor–the leaves are starting to gradually change colors as the day-time temps have lowered to the low-to-mid 60s (Fahrenheit [this yank will never conform to the metric system]) and night temperatures plummeting to the high 30s. Fall is my absolute time of year,as I am not fan of the heat.

It has been an honor and a pleasure blogging for Collectibulldogs these past few years. We met on Twitter in 2016 when I signed on and Eiffion and Wiggles–beloved English Bulldog– were one of my first followers.


Wiggles passed–I was completely crestfallen as I know the entire Collectibulldogs family was–but Eiffion did what any dog-loving human does after the loss of their furbaby–he adopted the lovely and magnificent Porscha. I love that baby as if she were part of my pack. Whenever I need to smile, I pull up pictures of her saved on my iPhone over the last two years, and I am filled with happiness and joy.

I want to take the time this month to talk about kindness and how important it is to live one’s life surrounded by it and also to share kindness in our daily dealings with all whom we meet. Lately, there just isn’t enough of it going ’round. And it’s important to our mental and spiritual health, to keep one’s self free from hate,


duplicity and what I call the “cancer of our times.” Eiffion and Collectibulldogs is a forum for those looking to share ones daily strife, difficulties and triggers that affect us thus providing a soundboard to attain sound mental health. Or think of this as a plea to provide a support network.

Make this a call to action for more interaction with us so that we may offer some respite during these challenging times. I have been dealing with some post trauma over the past several weeks. A horrible crime was committed to a young woman whom I work with–a young sweet woman who was betrayed by someone she once shared her life with.


I don’t want to go into more detail to protect her as she is fiercely private, but to let you know that most crimes in my state are domestic in nature. If this individual sought out help, he may not have attacked such an innocent victim–someone he once shared his life with.

Kindness matters continued!

Another thing that has been on my mind lately is the divide between opposing political beliefs. I know that my friends across the pond are polarized as are the parties in the United States. There seems to be no bipartisan candidates any longer. It seems as though differing opinions can no longer be debated amicably without hate, and intensity never before witnessed. I am a child of the 1960s and my father was a Republican.


All of his friends were artists or musicians and were all Democrats. I can remember vividly debates from both sides–vying back and forth; volleying ideas, points and counterpoints–but never remember hate or viciousness from these discussions. It was a polite and kind experience. I so wish for those times to return….

Collectibulldogs is a great forum for collectors of all things Bulldog, British Sterling Hallmarks, mental health awareness, boxing and all things dogs. I hope you stop by and check out the largest English Bulldog Memorabilia and Collectibles in the world. And if you too write and want to blog, send Eiffion a message.

Most of you know me because of my animal activism. I recently stopped posting horrors and am focusing on the beauty the world does offer us if we seek it out. Four and a half years of horrendous images ate away at me and I was not having kind thoughts. I am choosing kindness along with the beauty that is all around us if we take the time to look. That’s all for now dear friends. Until next time, stay safe, wear your masks, stay more than 2 meters apart and do something kind for a person or an animal. And smile.

Much love from Moishe’s Mom aka Wynne Guglielmo

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Mental health or social media ones not right



Porscha our mini bulldog
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