Knud Kyhn is coming to Collectibulldogs

Meet Knud Kyhn one of Denmark’s best in the porcelain industry
Hi readers, a good day to you all and hoping your all safe and now with bonfire 🔥 night finished it’s time to think of Christmas, Knud Kyhn is the artist from which our next piece was created by and I wanted to tell you a little about this little known but actually world renown artist and painter.
Mr Kyhn is danish and was born in Denmark in 1880 and had a long life till he past in 1969, little is known about this danish pottery figurehead unless you delve deep but if you were to see he’s work alone it may melt your heart into just collecting knud Kyhn s pieces.
Check out Knud Kyhn

I think Theodore Madison worked with Knud Kyhn look at the colours etc
After you read this look the artist up see he’s porcelain artwork and the prices they are commanding in European auction houses I’m like OMG, and this is not just bulldog memorabilia I’m suggesting many creatures were designed and painted by this wondrous fella.
When Knud started he’s career he was a painter at the Royal Copenhagen porcelain manufacturers a famous pottery house where he got his first painting job (crudely at first) but found his way very fast, and for seven years from 1903-1910 that was he’s sole job but he was to rise in the ranks.
Knud Kyhn makes his name

Royal Copenhagen made by Bing N Grondahl And Knud Kyhn
1910 saw a change in this painters life not only had he shown the royal Copenhagen porcelain manufacturing company he could now create masterpieces of he’s own imaginary doing but the colourways are what wowed he’s employers. So from 1910 onwards he became more well known.
Loved and cherished by nation Knud Kyhn went on to work right up till two years before he’s passing and he (apart from some other smaller commitments mr Kyhn stayed with the company, you may of heard of two brothers Bing & Grøndahl Check out this link for more on bing and grondahl plus other danish artists
He worked with these just as capable and famous porcelain artists from 1908 to 1915 this was he’s first ever collaboration and when you see all these artists works you’ll see the collaborative collective in the pastels that B n G used to the amazing yet sometimes macabre colours that Knud Kyhn used, they came back together again to work from 1933 to 1935.
Kyhns colourways (I thought they were concepts)

Beautiful NO IT REALLY IS A knud Kyhn piece but check out those COLOURS
I have to say it I love this artist, I had not seen the extent of he’s work until recently but I’m saying whole heartily this is one of history’s masters, Doulton troika Claris cliff these are all English manufacturers or artists we’ve all heard of but I feel most have to be European to of heard of this skilled individual.
I will not plagiarise pictures I’ll use my own but I’ll see if I can leave a link or two to some online outlets for you to see he’s work, the truly out of this world Colours used and the prices that he’s pieces are fetching in auction, do not forget these are not new neither are they heard of much but prices for some pieces I’m just stunned.
Our Knud Kyhn piece soon to be home

One of our most treasured collectibles on its way very soon by Knud Kyhn is lucky 🍀 to be getting a piece by this European porcelain hero ours is not in the thousand pound or higher pieces you’ll see but we did pay what I’d call today’s retail price BUT saying that Lars Christoffersen from Danam Antik, the best outlet I’ve found in Europe for antiques and collectibles you don’t necessarily have to be collecting bulldogs there’s lots there.
So good it’s worth just browsing I promise and you can see just what the outlet currently has available in stock and if you get to know Lars and after a certain piece he will surely keep an eye out for you and he’s contact number is +45-27675503 remember it’s a danish number before choosing how you phone 📞.
We want to thank Lars for the special payment agreement once you see some of the artists sales you will see why I paid in instalments I’ve bought from Lars before but nothing as extravagant as the piece coming home, sitting just a few inch’s high some may wonder “Why” I bought this particular antique, Ive always wanted this piece and saw it as a dream piece never to be.
My last payment is coming up and then the bulldog will be ours I’m not looking to add profit or investment by adding this porcelain pooch to the collection but as I have a wonderful selection of Danish pieces by other artists why not at least have one by this EXPENSIVE master of pottery from time gone by, check him out though the cheapest out of the KK back catalogue and worth every penny.
Wedding 🎩 update charity and woes !

Been married a whole week lol
Dementia has no mercy I see this in the faces of the patients when we go to see debbies dad at the Sussex county, I’m debbies rock but as a person with high empathy levels I feel so very sorry for these older ladies and gents whom have no idea how their lives are who they are and whom we are, debs dad will be given restbite care while they find home a nursing home.
With debbies mum younger and home alone distraught we definitely called off any plans we had for a honeymoon and stayed close to both mum and dad, I’m helping by cooking meals for debbies family which gives them either time to do something dad related or just chill knowing dinners cooked.
Waiting now to see if dads health improves enough for us to have a small break without worrying that dreadful thought, I do not mind waiting and after losing my dad at aged 15 I’m happy to be debbies support though this hard time I just pray he stays around for a while longer yet.
Ill leave by saying this, I feel like the luckiest man alive Yes I’m getting a Knud Kyhn piece but even better I bagged myself a most gorgeous bride and had congratulations come in from around the world 🗺 I never knew that many knew us, I recommend marriage to those happy enough with whom they are with it feels amazing.
Charity bulldog gift 🎁
Yep giving away my stuff lol, I’m just jesting with you but I will be donating a box full this year to our local Bulldog rescue community, a couple of picked out pieces will become gifts too two ladies whom made my wife’s day by providing a stunning venue. We cannot thank them enough and hope the bits and bobs make the rescue some much needed funds.
My wedding toast to my bride 👰
I’m loving your website I cannot find anything like it anywhere it’s truly a one off website