Hi there folks let me start by saying I wish you all well and hope your all as safe as can be wherever you may be.

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I named this blog quite aptly and I should explain why a couple of the collectibulldogs pages are missing.

I joined a directory to advertise collectibulldogs when a person from an online legal company said they had seen my site and where were my terms and conditions, disclaimers and privacy policies.

Firstly I didn’t think showing my collection to the world would cost more than the price of a domain and web hosting fees, I also thought that because I’m not selling anything or taking personal details I wouldn’t need these added to the website.

After contacting the company I was quoted £350 to have Ts and Cs drawn up and as I cannot afford such fees I’ve had to take down any pages that require law abiding written content and I will be seeking help with this as I know you can do it yourself it just takes time to learn and a lot cheaper in the long run and its best to be safe than sorry I don’t want the Google police knocking on my door…

Some may think why not sell a piece or two to cover the bills I get but I made a promise when I started that I wouldn’t start breaking into the collection unless it was a dire emergency and I do not see this as an emergency just another issue thrown my way to sort out, I love my collection and adore the website so as long as the collection can be seen for now it’s all good and things will fall into place over time I have put a note on the website about this and the fact it’s a good idea to read other websites terms and conditions if using any of the useful links provided.


Shamefully I have to say I cannot add many pics to this latest blog I was hit by insomnia and after an iPad update left me with a six letter lock code and yep you guessed it I forgot about 20 minutes later after putting it in I mean six letters grrrr lol, debs was good enough to go see the smurphs at the shop that deals with iPads and had it reset back to a date before certain pictures were taken, so I need to see if I stored them on my web book and I think taking heed to others when tired to get some rest should be taken more seriously but I get so engrossed in trying to get the back end of this website right (SEO) the time flies by.

I have faith that someone will see potential in the venture jump on board and help to make things perfect until then I’m afraid it’s me and I’m as useful at tech as a chocolate hammer is useful in the summer but I got this far so hey hoo it’s googling more SEO knowledge we go…


Today was the day that I met a journalist student from the Brighton university I had been anxious before the meeting and even felt like I needed a bit more sadation to get myself there but I was ok and we met at a doggy friendly cafe in kemp town called metro deco, it’s run by a lady into her antiques as well as coffees and pooches a really nice cafe when out with the dog.

The questions were easy but as I was anxious and the back ground music was off putting, I think I didn’t answer the questions to the best of my ability but as we are in touch through email I sent over some info I had not said before.

Now comes the tricky bit a picture was asked for with me and the collection (oh no) my cabinets are situated like a narrow alley so a bit of thought may have to go into getting a pick with at least one cabinet behind me and I have a couple of ideas already which I hope will end up working.

The outcome to all this was to help this young lady with her course but it would be nice if she did collectibulldogs a great service by writing an amazing piece that ends up in the public domain like the paper etc and if not it was a pleasure meeting and helping this future journalist with her endeavours.


Yay some really good news for the website now!!

I have managed to secure another reputable back link for the website, the more the merrier and the latest back link is a great family run business in the north of England called www.countrymun.com

Tthey specialise in doggy coats and other great products and even have a doggy blanket especially for after swims and baths and it dries the dog much quicker than your normal towels do, the lovely thing about this perticular back link is the owners of the website will be blogging about collectibulldogs which can only be good for the site and humbling to me.

We hope to have the website back to the way it was but until then please enjoy the collection and other pages that are allowed to be shown at the moment and I will start the process of getting rid of this anxiety by looking into Ts and Cs for my website, until the next blog folks happy collecting…


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