Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown

Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown Check out my babies
Greetings to all of my friends across the pond and fans of the wonderful Collectibulldogs website. Porscha has been keeping busy with her dad and is a canine excavator from what I have seen from Eiffion’s recent posts.
I trust you are all well and healthy and practicing social distancing when you are out and about. It is getting tiring though, isn’t it? When I moved to Maine from Florida in 2005, I wanted to be as far away from that State as possible–and I managed to move as far north in the USA as possible.
90 more miles and I would have landed in Canada. Maine is a very large state that is sparsely populated. The last population count was at 1.3 million people. Yes–you read that correctly–1.3 million. Lower Merion Township, a suburb of Philadelphia, PA (the state I was born in and lived for 38 years), has more people than the entire State of Maine. What I’m getting at is I am accustomed to social distancing.
The town where I live has only 1400 resident and 400 are “snow birds” who live 8 months out of the year in NY, NJ, PA, Delaware and Mid-Atlantic states.
Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown Continued

Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown KEEPING IT REAL
I have been working from home for the last month, but I do go in once a week for half day to conduct inspections required by regulatory officials. I’m loving it really as I save myself two hours of commute time each day and I am home with my furmaly.
Those who know me, know that I just don’t have dogs–I have a pack–I have 6 ranging in age from young pups, to middle age to elderly, The Boston Terrier twins, Minnie Bat and Sox are litter mates and are beyond devilish.
They will be two years old on November 17. Oh I do hope they loose some of their energy and mature a bit. They are the baddest puppies I have ever owned. The middle aged pups are Misty and Mr. Pibbs.

Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown
Misty will turn six years old on December 4 and Mr. Pibbs will turn seven on October 27. These two are very close and are never far apart from one another. Misty is a Staffie and Mr. Pibbs is very tiny Boston Terrier. My elder pups are Babe (Boston Terrier) and Moses (a black Pug). Moses turned 14 on April 24 and Babe turns 13 on July 19. The old wise are also never far apart from one another.
Trying to keep the twins occupied and de-energized is a constant struggle. They always want whatever the other pups have even if they have the same exact toy! I am told that spoiled children are like this as well. Last week, they were exceptionally unruly and I wanted to engage them. So I broke out the harmonica.
Sox loves to sing along with my bad playing. Minnie Bat can’t stand Sox singing/howling or maybe it’s my playing that gets on her nerves. She head butts Sox during a performance and a good friend in the UK said it was a “Glasgow Kiss.” I googled it as suggested and yes–Minnie Bat indeed gave Sox a Glasgow Kiss!
Maine is far behind the lush UK with lawn growth. Every time I see pictures of the lawns in the UK, I am jealous. My backyard lawn looks like a balding green-headed man. It’s mainly dirt. It’s dirt because Maine has 7 months of winter and lots of rain. Coupled with the terrible twins, they run ’round and ’round turfing up any budding blades of grass.
Lastly my friends !

Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown Do you like my daffodils 🌼 lol
They’re canine rototillers! Even when the lawn will take root–June at the looks of things–they’re quick darting and running with leave patches of bare soil. And then they track it indoors.
Another aggravating thing they do is eat the heads of my bulbed flowers. I have tulips and daffodils planted in my rockeries in my back yard and as soon as the flowers start to bud and reach towards the sun, off with their heads. I will look out into the garden and see Minnie Bat ripping off a daffodil or Sox munching down a tulip.

Maine Crew Rolling During Lockdown I remember when I had flowers lol
Thank goodness most of my bulbs are planted in the front garden away from those littles destructive devils. Well…enough on the furbrats….
It’s so important to take care of your total well being during these uncertain times–your body, mind and soul. So many are longing for human companionship and colleagues that depression can set in and overtake one. It’s so important to laugh. Try to do something for yourself everyday–anything that makes you happy and gives you joy.
Everyone is so preoccupied with their physical health that they may be forgetting to keep their mental heath tip top. Talk to someone if you feel down. Telemedicine with a therapist or be silly like me and play an instrument for your pets. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not–just have fun, enjoy the day and know that one day we will all look back on this and think “how nice it was to spend time with our families.”
That’s all for now friends. Be safe, take care of your entire being and kiss and hug your babies–human and the fur one.
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Maybe you can play the harmonica around your flowers as a deterrent!! Gorgeous dogs!
Nothing says it quite like a Glasgow Kiss. A wonderful glimpse of fur family dynamics
Hi Wynne it’s Debbie this is the first time I’ve seen your dogs. Very cute indeed