Having to move the Collectibulldogs cabinets again !



Hi there readers I hope not just your safe and well but enjoying the varied content on offer at the moment I’m writing this article to explain well maybe more of a moan as the collection needs to be moved yes yet again. 

We started of with an amazing front room full of cabinets and after the troubles I had when we moved I thought that was it, WRONG I had not put together that an open plan kitchen front room that’s old would shake those cabinets even tremors were seen. 

It was a silly decision but we did it and moved all the collection into our bedroom and move our sleeping space to the front room, we’ve since seen the error of this for more than one reason but it’s not etiquette on the social scene to have a bed in the front room it’s also embarrassing when I have appointments. 

Our daughter takes up the largest room this was a mistake from the start as parents we should of put or heads before our hearts and switched bedrooms to start with not giving her the largest with HUGE double bed and walk in wardrobe whilst two adults and a bulldog cramped in a single room. 

Wedding first cabinets second



The plans will not start till after the wedding I want to get married without an injury or from putting my back out but after life gets back to normal it’s a switch a Rooney with the bedrooms and with the added idea of the collection. 

Once our daughters safely and happy in the small room all sorted with high shelf’s and a tree for her two cats and her make up table (important for her course to become cabin crew ) she’s happy with the swap as long as she’s not got to do any hard work what a typical teen ay lol. 

When ready we will put our bed into the larger of the two bedrooms and I’ve done some measurements I can in effect move all these cabinets into the large room next to the bed but in an alley type shape with two columns cutting the room in half. 

This will leave a third of the room space left which I will leave so that the girls can access the walk in wardrobe and the bulldog display will hide the bed, this takes the bed out of the lounge making more space and no more feelings of inadequacy when we have visitors. 

No cheating at our newest home


All cabinets need moving carpet makes it harder to achieve especially on ones own

Now this will not be easy not like our old home, we had laminate flooring so I could slide my cabinets about NO CHANCE HERE there’s carpet down throughout the apartment so moving any kind of flat furniture is more cumbersome especially if working alone. 

Pictured in the mind the cabinets housing the bulldog collection does look ok where I’m placing it but will not tell until it’s actually moved BUT Collectibulldogs also needs a complete change about and here’s why the culprit. 

Last week saw our daughter get her first kitten she has a cat called Bonnie and goes to college so I couldn’t understand why her mum agreed to getting another one anyway this tiny kitten could easily destroy thousands from pounds worth of our antiques just for the fun of it as kittens do. 

Meaning I now have to rearrange the pieces and put the most important and expensive pieces behind doors, I would say we could just leave the bedroom door closed but just like lights never being turned out in this home doors are never closed either. 

Cabinets getting a thin out thank you Angie


no cabinets just a MASSIVE THANK YOU TO Angie our fairy bulldog mother

A good deed should help thin out the pieces we have an incredible lady called Angie and Angie has been our Fairy Bulldog mother from organising the venue and posh cars to helping debs out with the cake and other bits basically the bulldog community have shown real support towards our wedding. 

As a special treat I believe wiggles will adorn the wedding cake with the man and wife characters I’m not sure what else she’s helping out with but it must be completely sorted as Debbie is not worried at all. 

Say it with bulldog memorabilia

THANK YOU in a card is a bit crude for such kindness and Angie wouldn’t take a penny so I’m going to put a few pieces together and let her chose a couple to take home, whilst Angie is here a box of donations will be handed over too these get raffled at the Lewis bulldog walk raffle. 

I’d like to apologise to world bulldog rescue centres those in other countries I’d love to donate to your charities but with shipping so high duty and fees it’s just to expensive for you folk to make any profit from any donations I may send BUT if your a rescue centre reading this join our community and ask for donations I would and it gives our community some content. 

Not moving cabinets till then

November the second at 4-30pm I keep reminding myself lol anyway after this date I should be making a start on the switch, I’ll be a nervous wreck until it’s all done and I know I have friends that would give up free time to help me re display the whole collection for a third time. (Third time lucky 🍀) we will see. 

Displayed again and properly sitting once moved I’ll do an update let you all know if that four leaved clover worked ! or if I experience any hardship whilst redoing all this?,  I’ll also have the piece I’ve been paying instalments on so if Lars the seller cannot give me info I’ll research the piece or ask my friends for help. 

Bloggers where are you !


Awards ebook recondition and our RSS feed being popular the time is right for bloggers and writers to come cut their teeth on our up and coming original genius of an idea

The collection aside BLOGGERS WHERE ARE YOU this is a great opportunity to have a guest post on one of the uks up and coming website, I know lots are put off by our award and most think of themselves as affiliates so scared to even get in contact, we have to pay our fees too. 

Did you know 43% of Americans are blog readers even though most post their lives onto social formats there’s still a very healthy blog market out there and google gets bored of just sales websites so loves BLOG CONTENT this being the case COME BLOG WITH COLLECTIBULLDOGS, stay safe and keep on with those collections. 


Taking bulldogs to the wedding !

Fooled you I have not finished yet as I mentioned I will be getting married soon very soon indeed and it would not be a Collectibulldogs wedding if I did not utilise my own pieces and adapt them into my wedding suit, choosing dark grey and pink I wasn’t up for the more fashionable squares or check style.

The pieces I’ll be using from my cabinets are my bulldog watch nice and bling looking with a beautiful bulldog on the dial, I’ll have a custom made glass pendant made by Neil Harris one of England’s best glass blowing producers very skilled too, then there’s matching tie and hanky pins and to top it off I’ll be wearing bulldog head cuff links worth a small fortune.

Got to make it on time

I’ll be wearing one of two bulldog watches on my wedding day I obviously will not be wearing both but have a choice, I’m leaning to the more blinged gold one the ivory face would blend with the wife’s wedding dress 👗 I have just two weeks to get the watch resized telling the right time and a polish, I do not wish to overstate myself but bulldogs are a big part of my life now.


A gentlemen’s bulldog themed watch

  Opalescent shimmer goes with the suit

Niel Harris is one of England’s best glass blowers and he custom made Collectibulldogs a glass pendent it’s not big but beautiful in its form and has a like a pearl opalescent shimmer that I thought would compliment the suit, I’m still pondering on this as I will have a hanky and tie pin set too.


Custom made by Niel Harris

Heads up we’re doubling up

that’s correct I’ll look quite dapper with matching pins in both the hanky pocket and cravet / tie, two little bulldog heads face on and I think they are Victorian in age so all metal adornments will go away at the reception as they are part of our collection I’m essentially borrowing them for a day and they all need to be returned safely.


Cute bulldog tie pin set

Right pair of cutesy cuff links

The most expensive piece apart from the suit and wedding ring is going to be my cufflinks these are AMERICAN in their origin they have enamelled heads and sterling silver fittings these I Remember cost the collection a lot of money but when you see their little heads popping out of the cuff they will look amazing.


Stunning designer cufflinks expensive taste

What a week I mean just brilliant

Ok it’s not fair that my host doesn’t know on page SEO you’d of thought as a designer he would anyway I’ve allocated funds to him for our SEO (search engine optimisation) is finally sorted, this is where an expert sorts out our main pages helping to rank better cleaning up dead links and putting in keywords too.

The second great piece of news was that my article had been published on Brighton museums website this creates a backlink stronger than say a normal website like mine and the more link backs the better for the website, the museum want to add it to the monthly news letter in October giving us even more free local exposure.

It just keeps getting better as it’s not long now that bullish magazine will be showing us in the October version of the magazine I’ve got friends that wish to buy the published version in paper form as a keepsake of this yet another world first for Collectibulldogs.

Lastly but no means least was our latest surprise I’ve only ever had this kind of support once before ePrintedBooks the worldwide ebook company had put my actual website on their own website, didn’t need to ask and after a brief chat my ebook was on there too.

Lastly my freaky twitter experience

As you all know I’m of a disorder called OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I’m on twitter I’d been trying to get back to a predestined figure of followers that were taken when Twitter did it’s huge mid year purge, that took me down to 150k and I started up the twitter ladder again.

At 169k I put out a tweet saying how cool it would be NOT having this particular OCD issue and how great it would be to have the 174k back before my wedding, for two days my wife to be and myself watched as my following rose I wasn’t buying fakes or given free followers I even said to my wifey that it would ironic if it stopped on 174k IT DID !!!

Ive been fighting the past day or so to keep my 174k and as there’s some purging it does drop and then rise again, I’ve had random follow amounts before but not spookily close like this anyone would think I had a gaurdian angel watching over me lol. Thanks for reading and I hope my website gets sorted ASAP I’m not sure what the hold up is…………

check out our ebook placement surprise


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