Babes as I know him by or Ave as most know him started his collection around seven years ago after a work accident left him unable to be employed, full time and left him depressed and worried for the future.

As you can guess with most fellas I thought this was just a fad and I would end up with a few things around my front room, back then I just thought DUST COLLETORS.  Oh no more cleaning.

I must admit it took a long while before I found an interest in what he had started doing and didn’t really see his accomplishments till earlier this year.

I’m super proud of Ave and all he is doing, and how he has managed to do so much whilst suffering in silence with his disorder.

Ave has created groups on Facebook, a collectors page, and I was very surprised this year when he sat me down to show me and WOW, I was astonished and very proud at what I was looking at, but a bit bewildered as to when he did all this.

I know he helps some of his members and friends and also tries to help others by promoting and networking which I always see him doing, so I was left wondering how.

He had gone ahead and thought up his own name and created a website.

He’s taken pictures of his collection, (twice now) and as far as I can see he has named most of his pieces too.

Ave had asked me to do a one off blog as he has tried a couple of times, but the blogs ended up with him talking about the bulldog we have recently lost and doesn’t want to cover old ground.  I told him it’s ok.

Those that care will understand, but he says the blog should remain about the collection and he has done a blog for Scruffy- Louise.

Well as i’m not Ave i’m afraid to say I do not know much about the pieces in Aves collection.

I do know some makes and on occasion a piece will get pulled out for me to guess, what or who made it.  I’m getting better slowly.

My role is chief packager So if you’ve received any parcels or bought from Collectibulldogs then it was my handy work, and I hope whomever has bought pieces from us have received them in perfect condition.

I  like to pride myself on getting these valuable pieces safely from us to you. I have taken a more active role in Aves venture now because I know how hard he has worked to build up what he has.

The fact he is doing it all for our daughters future fills me with so much pride i’m nearly bursting.

I sort of know what networking is but i’m lost when it comes to the website so I help with pictures and if the web book crashes its me that normally gets it working again but for the most part I leave it down to ave as he seems to know what he is doing.

It will be great to see where this takes ave and the collection he says he needs a backer if he is to turn collectibulldogs into a business but until then he does not mind carrying on collecting helping those that ask and improving on the pieces he already has and by looking at my front room he cannot be far off it now i have never seen so many figurines before but i do not mind it keeps him happy.

Ave says that he ends a blog with happy collecting so i hope he gets back into the swing of things soon and back to his old cheeky self.  HAPPY COLLECTING

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