Our new Multi award bulldog website rocks

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New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

Hi readers of collectibulldogs.com I hope you are all well and finally we are getting there so much to the point I can say Our new Multi award bulldog website rocks, Lee Henderson from digital Wulf has done a great job.

Worth the wait ? We think so, yes the contract stated September but personal issues held our relaunch back until just recently and we decided that after I lost my sister on the 4th that the relaunch would be a quiet affair.

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks


Please do not feel the website is incomplete there are tweaks I’ll mention but the reason for a smaller more manageable website is that I can use the whole of the sites features Our new Multi award bulldog website rocks so much I want full access and be able to change at will.


Our Fallen hero’s page Here Shows our own fallen hero’s scruffy Louise and wiggles BUT if you wanted to add and immortalise your pooch we are willing to add them with ours, just like marmite this idea will be loved and hated in equal measure but we feel it’s a way for you to remember them and share you ❤️ Love with the world 🌎.

Our new Multi award bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks With new pieces too

Tweaks include getting the gallery right (the right pictures added) the autopost feature needs setting up to give clients the best possible service if they blog with us, and there’s TWITTER yes we do not like this format the right to free speech is not adhered to here but if we want the domain authority point it’s a must


Another tweak is to get as much social media feeds as possible into the footer (bottom of the website) google loves new content and as well as using YouTube videos these ever changing snippets from different formats help google and others crawlers to see current content.

Once sorted I’ll sign off and pay for the website and make some changes yes Our new Multi award winning website rocks but there’s little pieces like the colour I’d like to change, the website is created in Brighton UK so I wanted to use our cities colour and a nice yellow my own favourite colour.

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks But we want to change colour scheme

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks Brighton colours


So the idea 💡 is there the shrinking has been sorted and now you will not find an endless menu but one that’s easier to navigate doesn’t have a mixture of articles and galleries and now we have a button at the top of our site offering you all the option to read upto 380 collectors articles guest posts and even mental health experiences I’ve suffered whilst running our one of a kind bulldog memorabilia website.


New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks And gains 4th award


We never get used to these and even though each award can reaffirm others of our credibility due to my own past I cannot feel self affirmation so except the awards graciously on behalf of the two bulldogs that started all this if you read the new Page about the owner ! You’ll see people like me do not usually create one of a kind ventures.

We certainly do not grow up in a world that would create opportunities to win awards but it seems this bulldog collection antique website even though no sales, catches the eye of others out there that must think we deserve some recognition! I’ll deffo be showing our latest award to Brighton Museums and get my site affirmed more there due to its quality and content.


Collectibulldogs would like to thank each of the BADGE SENDERS we are humbled you even managed to find us in the 1.8 billion other websites out there and like us you must also think that our New Multi award Bulldog website rocks too which is great news all round.


Ever moving forward we aim to bring the same high quality bulldog memorabilia and articles related to said pieces all you need to do is use our search bar with a specific keyword and if it’s on the website it will show up Boxers and Bulldogs endorsement by Gary o Sullivan is a well read article but only because the menu and search bar are not being utilised yet.

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

Gary’s popular but remember our New Multi award Bulldog website rocks too



This website loves its endorsement Gary O’Sullivan he’s a real gentleman but the website is to teach folk about antiques how to collect and how to invest so we want To read articles like BESWICK POTTERY or if you didn’t know the secrets behind WW2 we researched to find out some eye opening content regarding Winston Churchill The Bulldog Spirit a friendly explanation is one of our best researched articles.


Other articles could be Erstaunliche Porzellen Bulldogges treasures from Germany a well written article on Germany and the pieces and makers found there, Harry Redknapp Loves his Bulldogs other celebs included

This is a look at Harry’s life with his bulldogs after IM A CELEBRITY GET ME OUT OF HERE pushed the gentleman back into the media spot light there’s lots of articles on collectibulldogs that get missed due to the amount written but true collectors can use our search bar to get to information ℹ️ needed.

What’s new !

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

Hi ya I’m Porscha I’m new here

I think it’s easier to say what’s not new we still have our links page and blog articles but apart from these and our backlinks everything else is Brand New ! From the header videos to the new written content and pictures we’ve created what we think is a corker of a new look and layout.


Collectibulldogs made it easier on the designer this time and only got a 💯 pictures added to the gallery the reason behind this was not just to makes his job easier but allows us to change at will showcasing our antiques in a way that folks want to come back to see what’s new.

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks And will showcase pieces on a rollover


With a review of the sites analytics in the coming weeks or months we may also add a members area and if I can find assistance then we could send out a monthly newsletter with piece of the month other articles and even giveaways.


GIVEAWAYS where you just pay shipping for advertising us is on the cards, one giveaway has been going on in the background for months now, this is not for everyone though ! We do not mean only select people can apply we mean our giveaways our created by our 3D designs and not all would be interested.

3D giveaways 100% totally recyclable!

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks So do our 3D designs

3D printing is not easy I’ve written about this, when we first started we were naive in our choices of printers colours and files to download, it can be seen as clear as day what pieces we started out printing to what’s being created as we speak.


A close family friend and myself have teamed up to bring you folk new original designs that even though made from a corn starch byproduct we are hoping you’ll take to your hearts ♥️ working hard 😓 we are trying out test prints and coming up with brilliant bulldog alternatives.


The idea for 3d giveaways and not buying mass produced things came from making my new baby daughters toys at home using 3D my friend came down to teach me the workings and has had the bug ever since and designs that look 👀 very niche are from he’s imaginative mind and a cool desktop computer.

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks

New Multi award Bulldog website rocks 3D printed bulldog bowl


One crate is full of our pieces these range from large geometric bulldogs phone holders keyrings and a whole host of products we’ve created just using our mono price voxel and the Ender 3, after months of getting the wrong printers we think we have the right ones now


New pages new interest .

Starting with our homepage Our new homepage you will see there’s a total change Motion is used here both in our header video and the pages layout we hope you enjoy this more than the old static homepage we had before.

To be honest I found being asked for a picture embarrassing by the designer I’m in my 40s skinny and do not photograph to well but you can find me on a couple of pages Where you can get to know me my past and future dreams these pages are now more light and refreshing to read and look at. (My picture debatable lols 😂)


As all know we have our fallen hero’s and we also made room for Porscha our latest pooch here, adopted as a puppy Porscha is nearing her first year with us and is a dream of a dog to own, she’s comical love’s attention and has so much energy she runs rings around us hey why not go meet her here PORSCHA OUR POCKET ROCKET 🚀


Theres no point in having a winning formula and not telling people about it so a page has been set up to tell all of our achievements mainly to show we are getting established and trusted to answer appraise and give factual knowledge on English bulldog memorabilia. Our awards page is testament to our time online and commitment to the bulldog breed.


Im very proud to announce that the video on Our past hero’s was created by myself I felt only I should of made this and choose the pictures I’d like to see too, yes I found it hard but a necessary as I did not want to outsource this emotional part of my life I hope I did them justice.

A beautiful sentiment to our own furry fallen hero’s


Lastly !

Now November is soon to leave us it’s an unpredictable December for this website owner we do not have a firm date for our babies arrival so Christmas is all up in the air this year but sooooo worth it, a little girl is due her name is sienna-may Lisa Teresa Ashdown, Lisa was my marriage witness and Teresa is the sister I just lost.


The collection will not appear again in full until we have moved I’m dealing with the separation anxiety and seeing my idea all crated up does smart a bit but I use the thought that it’s easier to move now when we do find a larger home ! to offset the bad sinking feeling I get when I look at them for too long.


Please enjoy our brand new English bulldog memorabilia website I hope my investment was worth it and most of our visitors like what they see bookmark us again and if we deserve it please let trustpilot know as those stars 🌟 really help our little site among the bigger players.

Addict cat getting a dreamies fix

Before I go collectibulldogs wants to create a community feel where all can interact add opinion and Free guest posting opportunities for those wanting to contribute to our ever growing bank of content is available, I’d urge all to be patient with the new site over the coming days but our designer is on the ball until all is perfect  👌

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