Collectibulldogs news in general


News on wiggles. She’s doing great

Hi there readers I hope all are safe and well, I thought I’d brief everybody as to what’s been happening lately or news from Collectibulldogs as the title suggests, it’s been hard for myself these past few weeks but let’s talk about better things first

News on twitter

Twitter has been amazing since I started using it and wiggles seems to be a little twitter star, folks are slowly getting the concept and the automated DM has only had a few dislikes so far, we are up to 51.5k followers so far and I’m hoping the museum will let me use my social media influence as part of my display.


News on twitter

I find I’m spending more time on twitter than I usually do but I do bounce from media to media and try and keep a balance, speaking of media I’d like to thank those from twitter whom were/ are kind enough to give my Facebook page a like it’s given it a slow but steady increase which is great stuff.

New about the website

it’s been pointed out to me that if I want to rank better and gain more views I need an SEO audit I know you can do it yourself but I wouldn’t want to go messing up all of lees good work, I will just have to wait till I can afford for this to be done and been advised just to keep on blogging about my collection until then.


News on the website

Lee still needs to shorten the galleries but due to he’s own private circumstances hasn’t been able to yet, please feel free to pin or save any pictures from the galleries I wouldn’t advise doing this on funny pics and I believe lee has locked them.

News about myself

Im the first to admit this venture I have created has spawned two heads for me and one of those heads isn’t so nice, I understand that most of what I feel is down to my illness but still it’s not simple, trying to come up with interesting blogs, finding guest writers, social media presence on 15 or so formats, self promoting, getting folks to understand the concept, trying to increase my views.

I think I need to find some sort of partnership or go on a big fat holiday for a while and soak up some rays, I enjoy my blogging and reaching out and I enjoy the buzz I get when the numbers are good, it’s the horrible defeatist feeling I do not enjoy when views are low, I’m beginning to look past this problem and believe it’s either paid promotion or just sucking it up and wait for something good to come along.

I was going to pack Collectibulldogs in after the summer the idea has been on my mind ever since the numbers started falling, it’s been my life for so long now I don’t know anything else. After some thought I’ve decided to keep it running as I know it does have some interest I call them my ghost following they are there as the analytics suggest.

News about the display

I think I am at my most impatient ATM regarding any news about the museum display we are a third way into April and the doors open near the end of May, I’m working with two rather calm curators at the museum so maybe I should take a step back as they do not seem to be panicking about the time frame.


A piece for the display Collectibulldogs first piece

I started taking pieces down at my own risk but was asked to stop until the museum can cover each piece going into their care, firstly I’m not worried they are in place that guarded 24/7 and the pieces I’ve taken so far have mostly been silver / metal so they should be A-Ok 👍

My plan has been drawn up and the themes renegotiated to include more materials in the display I’ve added a couple of funnies in there for youngsters and I believe the museum would like to use my own art work to tie me in with the overall display.

Blogging news

Firstly I apologise for the lack of bulldog collectibles articles my heads been so full of other factors ATM I’ve not had time to pick out a piece or two and send out some knowledge about it, in my defence I have created what could be the worlds first ebook to get you folks started and in a world full of free online books I’m quite pleased how people have taken one so far.


We’ll get there in the end dad

If your on social media you might see some old blogs coming back around if you have read it before no worries but a press on the link would be fantastic, since the making of the new website all blogs have new urls i.e. New web addresses and the more I can get them out and about the better.

Random blogs like this

blog like this  etc etc….

Did you enjoy the blog by Susan day whom is actually an author and agony aunt type character for grandparents and how best to grow relationships with grand kids so it was really nice of her to put her wit together and come up with a blog relatable for Collectibulldogs. Susan’s article and link to second

There are a few reasons for finding guest artists I’m joking when I say it’s to give me a break I’ve blogged over 130 times I think to date it just gives the archives more variety, gives you folk something fresh to read and creates a link between two websites, we love guest posts and would love more to come along.

Lastly for now

I think things will pick up just slower than I want and the automated response has been a success so far, fingers crossed I get more likes and folks wanting to guest post as more folks hear about Collectibulldogs, it’s a new concept on twitter to have an antiques style website that isn’t there to sell wares and just like Facebook it will take a while to get excepted.

In the meantime I need to finish up picturing my pieces so a visual plan on the display can be made, there’s a two week break so I’ll just have to grin and bare it till they re open and thank you again to Susan for her article it was lovely to meet rocky, until next time folks stay safe and happy collecting.

If you wish to continue on here’s a link to our galleries and if your used to the website the keyword finder really helps on such a large website

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