The Power of Recognition: my Nomination Matters

Sunny coloured bright and beautiful 2022 nomination for award

Power of Recognition Sunny coloured bright and beautiful 2022 MY LATEST PIN DISH (upcycled 2024 MY NOMINATION


The Power of Recognition: Why Your Nomination MattersHave you ever been recognized for your achievements? It could be a promotion at work, a shoutout from a client, or even a simple “thank you” from someone you’ve helped. These moments of recognition can be incredibly motivating. But perhaps none is more impactful than being nominated for an award by your peers.

Today, I’m reaching out to you, my valued readers, to share that I’m hoping to be nominated for the [Award Name]. This award recognizes [achievements/contributions the award honors], and I believe my work in [your field] aligns perfectly with its values.
Why This Nomination Matters to Me


Being nominated for this award would be a tremendous honor. It would validate the years of hard work and dedication I’ve poured into [your field]. But more than that, it would serve as a powerful motivator to keep pushing myself further and make an even greater impact.
On a personal level, this nomination would be a testament to the journey I’ve been on. [Share a brief story about a challenge you overcame or a goal you achieved that reflects the award’s values]. It would signify that I’m on the right track and inspire me to continue making a positive difference.


By pressing the link you’re asking the selectors to look at collectibulldogs its impact on society how it generates interest and I’m guessing once they see no hey commerce or cart that they will either the nominationoh or choose different criteria for the selection outcome i.e. the educational practicalities and any shooter adventures like module ideas for university of Sussex



Brighton museum uk positive influence Amazing blog our bulldog exhibition in 2017 my nomination 2024

Exciting come join our bulldog collectors club 2022 THE EXHIBITION PICTURE FROM BRIGHTON MUSEUM 2017

The truth is, no accomplishment exists in a vacuum. The work I do is fueled by the support of this incredible community. You, my readers, have been with me every step of the way, offering encouragement, feedback, and inspiration.
If you’ve found value in my work, if my articles or ideas have resonated with you, then your nomination would hold immense significance. It would be a recognition not just of me, but of the collective effort we’ve undertaken together.
How You Can Help


My nomination

Screenshot of my nomination for an award

The nomination process for the [Award Name] is now open. If you believe my work aligns with the award’s criteria, I would be deeply grateful if you would consider nominating me. The specific details of the nomination process can be found on the award’s website THE WEBSITE I WAS NOMINATED ON PLEASE PRESS

Looking Ahead for collectibulldogs

Power Nomination

My majolica cost more in customs than its price. The price you pay for such a venture. Nomination links please press thank you

unfortunately I’m aware I’m not a business and I’m yet to create a social enterprise so wether or not this is authentic. There is a chance that I might not be able to win on the basis. I am just a person with a mental health disorder that puts collection online. I do not sell. I do not employee my pieces are not tax. I am a private collector that saves for his passion and that is bulldog memorabilia


that does not justify the fact that that I am not deserving of accolades like this. I have already won blogging and original content awards. The only problem I have is the website and the way it is run if it was fixed I would be able to reach many more people because Google would’ve indexed me properly and if I had the help I could delete the spam link people have put to me and this will boost my DA Domain authorityand no matter how many blogs are right that will not change the fact that my domain authority needs to be back up at 35 and not falling at 22


Whether or not I win the award, the act of being nominated is an honor in itself. It’s a reminder of the incredible community we’ve built here and the positive impact we can have together.
Thank you for your time and for being a part of this journey. Together, let’s continue to make a difference! to what is a breed we all love and adore we show this in many different ways mines a collection yours could be a rescue a donation it doesn’t matter we all have Bulldogs in common in our hearts.


A person can be creative it’s how humans have a.Evolutionary scale but that’s HUMANS not human point being wether hereditary or not it’s tribe that move forward together not just the person in front, Intended as a legacy passed down type of collection I’d be amazed if it had a longer shelf life my daughters could just carry on where I left off.


Thank you to the lady that contacted and said that I was shortlisted other than the link provided I cannot offer any more SEO help on their brands behalf  I think I’m due some new information soon I’ll update the blog, there’s people already trying to nominate me and I think this could do bulldogs in general nothing but positive things

my luck with promoting this collection does go up and down and nothing can beat the exhibition we had in 2017 exhibition we had in 2017  where I was part of something bigger but put bulldogs in the publics interest for nearly a year



Blog writing gets better results the more the content and especially the content qualitycontent quality so I could dribble on about how much my site is brilliant and just bombard you with links, Yes of course I’m going to add links it’s all part of getting perfect SEO but I’ll add them into my latest idea I’m about to divulge


I’ve also added it to what I see as an article that will not get much traction so those that got this far would be my true readers So I have been in contact with the local university and I have put Collectibulldogs forward as a module to be used in aspects or disciplines like art history cultural antiquities a couple of other university modules like sociology.

reclaiming the English bulldogreclaiming the English bulldog something I do hold to my heart we are both underdawgs messed up by those that came before us and struggle through life! In saying that I have an idea that may sway young minds from song is the types of affiliations that we have in the UK. This can be done by basic research and a little bit of historical know how.

this is my first pitch. I did have the idea before Covid but life after Covid was different for everyone. I also had a child whom the autistic side popped up at the age of two and I have spent the last two years how to be a dad to an autistic child whom I would not change for the world? She is everything I am proudest dad in the world.

The power of Twitter or X friends I’ve made

here is a mutual that’s a term used for those that repost your content when they go online I find this a selfless act because it means that you are in somebody else’s mind when they are doing their promotion I’ve left their URL un anchored that gives the reader more choice and not pressing blindly

Getting Blood out of a stone is easier than asking this brand for anything but as I’m using their equipment and they are liking my 3d models so I think CREALITY  can have a backlink they are a world known 3D printing giant I could of asked for a discount code but I’m guessing the answer already anyway, I have to link out anyway and their IP Is nice and strong.

Or bounce back and try one of the 400 or so articles I’ve published that need attention Like The Dark side to borderline personality disorder 2022 a look into raw mental health something not offered on most sites


Power of 3d printing Should get a 3D nomination lol


please note unless stated pictures are owned by myself or Collectibulldogs. This is just a friendly FYI thank you.


Update on power business Award let’s share the facts.

as k stated these arts and ads companies have power they can create advertising vision that they then sell to mainstream TV with most being commissioned! The south of England award was won by do-follow) What I had not noticed during the power of the prestigious thoughts in my head sheer Excitement Until….


Proof of winning was sent but I had a huge bill if I wanted to have a huge night ! I’ve been to awards dinners before both as the client and a silver service waiter when I was working front of house in the hotel and cheffing career that I started after school! Yep straight into work at fifteen


The Bill would of taken me over £1000 this is for dinner and and an award but they also give the winner 30 secs in their completed campaign ad created by the arts side of these organisations and I honestly think, if I had the money I’d of paid for this fake advertising campaign night especially if I got to get Collectibulldogs on the TV that would add to many achievements I’ve already done


power of advertising and marketing should have a sense of urgency to be honest and upfront I felt amazing when I got approached and felt great right up until the point i realised that if I wanted to be in a room eating nice food and drinking posh wine I’d have to find the money and that’s just not Possible ,it will teach me that if it’s to good to be true except for a recent case of pure selflessness from our new host and friend DJ Miss-Gripper.

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