Hello fellow bully lovers and collectors alike it has been over a week now since we lost our beloved bulldog scruffy Louise, the first few days were just a flood of raw emotions and even more so with the tears I think we had to do the shopping twice just for more tissues.

The bill side of the process was swiftly done as vet bills can linger if not prepared and I’m happy to say that Scruffy Louise is back home where she belongs but I do find it hard to look at the urn and some say I’m still in denial.

I do not think this is true it just really hurts to know she has gone and I suppose the suddenness of it all made us unprepared mentally, I suffer with hyper vigilance among other mental health issues so scruffy was my extra eyes and ears and now she is not around I have found this hard to deal with and I want to thank those that have offered up company Its kind but I will have to deal with it I’m sure I will be ok.

I wake up now knowing she is not here no more and as each day passes I become more thankful that she was my bulldog and it was fate that I begin a life in amongst the bulldog family and also inspire all that I have done these past 6 years well not just me but to others too.

And now she has gone I believe she has been watching down and giving me some scruffy luck with little things like getting lots of goodies at car boot sales where normally there would be nothing also ironically I found a slide projector and screen on the same stall as I found a figurine and the reason I mention this is because a good friend sent me some slides a few weeks ago and I had started looking for a way of showing them, the projector takes just the right size slides and the screen was is the perfect size and made some really good pictures that I uploaded to the website.

Not only this but I finally got my first actual external link this week. I have been trying for ages to get even one link and hey presto one comes along so thank you clive from animal gifts and ideas I hope your first of many links that help us become a strong little online community.

We have been a doggy family since getting together all those years ago and I grew up with our furry friends so yes eventually we will be getting a new friend for me oh and the girls lol, Bulldogs are not cheap so I will have to start saving up as I do not think we are suitable for a rescue bully and I think getting some advice from the professionals first will lead to picking a healthy pup, Scruffy Louise was our first and we never had her as a puppy so do not know what to look for also I think I will have to save the full amount as I have not heard of breeders that do a payment plan.

I did say in my last blog a puppy has been offered but that is only if the gentlemans bulldog is pregnant so my savings jar is plan B for now.

I think it is now time I gave up the duvet and bedding to the wife she has wanted to wash it since that horrific day and everytime she goes to take it all off I end up begging her for one more night as I know once the smell has gone it will close a chapter in my life.

To all bully owners do not forget the date its that dreaded time of year again and even though fire works can be pretty they are also be pretty devastating to all creatures great and small, if you are celebrating with a bonfire then also remember to give it a good poke with a stick this will scare out any poor hedgehogs that may of crept in after you built your master pieces and gives them a chance to scarper before anything gets lit.

As for collecting!!! Due to sudden bills over the past week I have not really collected much or even been in the mood but there is one piece that has arrived I’m happy with and that’s a signed painting of Mack the dog a famous bulldog that mack trucks have used in their campaigns and is the spitting image of the Royal Worcester limited edition piece by Doris Linder.

Ccollecting is a distraction so I’m sure I will be back at it soon and have been adding to the website recently so I hope you will take a look at the other pages while here and you may have to scroll a bit as my host site does not always place my pictures where I put them but I can assure you there’s normally always new pictures or info to look at.

Well I’m off to take some pictures I might as well keep busy if not sleeping and it’s a nice and quiet time to remember and reflect as I’m working or researching.

Happy collecting folks.


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Below is the stall Edward has set up at this years fair and the address is. Cromwell, CT near Hartford off I-91 at exit 19. So pop along if you wish he’s there till Friday.

[supsystic-gallery id=166]

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