
Hello readers I’m afraid this is the sort of blog I did not think I would be writing for a long time yet but life is cruel we all know that and when you think things are going really well something bad comes along to try and take that away.

Scruffy Louise came back to us today we have chosen to go with a none bully type urn\casket I’m not sure what they are called but the reason for this is we have such a small place and large collection we wanted to distinguish Scruffy and her memory from the collection.

I have respected the readers by not showing this as I do not wish to provoke or stir memories I totally understand why some choose bully urns though and would hope my choice is understood.

I wish I had the memory to thank everyone for their comments and heart felt sympathies however I cannot but want to thank you all and to those in my group you have all been so kind and I’m so thankful to you all.

One person I should mention as I’m still gob smacked is Mr Graham Simpson he may not want me saying this so I may get into trouble.

This fella texted me a few days after and explained just like many of you folks that he felt my pain and offered on the basis his girl is carrying a puppy bulldog FREE of charge.

As you can imagine my jaw hit the floor and I want to make it clear its the empathy of this offer that has touched us not any kind of monetary value I mean how can you put a price on a friend.

I would like to ask no beg the breeding community to try harder to improve the breeds health I’m not saying this with a political view and I know many are doing all they can I’m asking as a fella whom has just lost his best friend without cause or reason.

Its been nearly a week so still raw I’m finding myself still doing things like she is still here and cannot let go of that split second in the morning when you don’t quite remember the day before and then the dreaded thought pops up.

We will be a bully family for life now I owe her that much the website collectibulldogs is now dedicated to scruffy and it will continue to grow as I will continue the collection.

I’m sure I will cross paths with a new friend its to early at the moment but I cannot live without a dog in my life its been this way ever since a child. Scruffy Louise did not like going out and was cosiest indoors near me so that’s she will now remain and I hope she will be looking down ready to face plant me with either a sneeze or some bully bum wind if I go wrong.

Have been well excepted in the bully world since my venture with scruffy stated and would hope this can continue into the future its like a virtual second home now.

Gives those bullies of yours extra loving from me please and thank you all again it means more than you know.


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