Pop up museum it’s time to start pitching




Hi readers across the Globe 🌍 i hope all are well and safe out there and yes it’s time as the title suggests to get productive and create an idea for pitching for a pop up museum, hopefully at Brighton museums here in Brighton or one of their sister museums dotted around Brighton and Sussex area.


Before I explain why I think it’s time for Collectibulldogs’s to create an installation/ pop up museum can I welcome our newest visitors from countries like Egypt  The United arab Emirates and countries around Dubai it’s great to see such diversity on our little website.

What is a pop up museum (before your pitching)

Pitching Brighton museum



These can come in many forms from artists showing their work for a time to community based pop ups, these unlike the museums bigger displays are not as permanent and time duration will be discussed at the time as others may have the space booked already.


Ours would be BULLDOG MEMORABILIA curated and displayed with the museums help and hopefully (just like concession stands in retail shops) the pop up museum will attract attention and with the right advertising I can see this being a real success.



If you feel like Collectibulldogs should be allowed a pop up then I urge those that love 💖 our venture to email Brighton Museum expressing the fact it’s a fantastic idea 💡 those emails will help me and I still need to convince Brighton Museum to take on this idea of ours and run with it so your emails will help when it come to pitching this venture.


WorthPoint's Jim Sturgill on Insuring Personal Antique Collections

Barriers that pop up before pitching


If I’m honest I have a great relationship with the museum in which I work so getting to talk to the top people shouldn’t be to hard my dilemma revolves around the specialised insurance I’m needing but alas the collection has not been valued, this is a problem when loaning but after some research this 2018 (some not so nice) I should have enough information and proof for pitching my idea


This year was spent on places like invaluable and Facebook speaking to everyone from auction house owners to antiques appraisal experts as well as the antiques demographic as a whole, and apart from a few that wanted the work the rest had very different answers.


I showed my pieces to antiques identified and other groups as well as forums and I was told that I do not need specialised insurance and there was lots of reasons, some pieces cannot be identified to be valued others had not much value and most of what I have could be covered by the bank, I was advised against appraisal unless I was into a hobby further up the collecting field.

Using this knowledge


By using this knowledge I hope to persuade the museum to take on part of the collection once a theme is set up, it would be a crowd pleaser as most love dogs anyway plus there’s the added bonus of my advertising both by word of mouth here in Brighton and further afield with social media and our articles.


We do not want anything for this we do not want paying for the loan we just want to keep the breed in the public eye as much as possible, French bulldogs were so popular this year of 2018 (prediction after crufts) that the English bulldog has taken a back seat even breeders from long term English breeders have switched to frenchies due to popularity but I’ll say this it will take 100 years plus to create a French bulldog collection.


Affirmation did come from most I spoke to NONE had heard of Bulldog collecting or collectors, praised me on an original concept and expressed a good pitch just might get me my pop up museum, I’m hoping to put together a package idea next year and pitch to Brighton museums top brass.



Pop up museums always a success


Museums have their regulars just like pubs even international travellers 🧳 drawn to Brighton would often return to the museum to see what’s changed what’s new and of course the photo opportunities that the museum and pavilion gardens can offer.


These repeat visitors and others love new installations there’s been pop ups for years now, the top balcony can be often seen used and one installation of a very brightly lit bike that looked like a cross between a fun fair and chitty chitty bang bang was on display for a while and attracted lots of attention with many bypassing the museums artifacts just to see this artists creation.

Fingers crossed pitching goes well

BRIGHTON WALK | The Royal Pavilion, Brighton Dome and Brighton Museum & Art Gallery | England


Not going to be easy to convince the archaic bureaucracy that goes behind running an organisation but as I know our county of East Sussex got hit hard by government funding cutbacks I’m sure all enterprises will trying to think up low cost ideas that bring in the pennies.


With the popularity of Collectibulldogs both in England and amazingly in so many other countries I’m guessing a few would travel to Brighton to see my pop up museum, I’m not being brash the comments book from 2017s exhibit prove people come / came from outside Brighton to see the BULLDOGS.

Pitching Twitter verify

Pitching for a pop up museum is our next logical step


Lastly comments and spamming

Im apt enough to know that SEO workers across the globe get paid to add blog comments to websites to create free backlinks and to also get readers to press creating the Seo comment placer more Kudos with said clients, we have a spam detector in place so a suggestion from Collectibulldogs would be !

Comments that are legit that make sense and are not full of backlinks but content related to that article will get through we will allow the backlink too, on the other hand if your like the 188 guy that keeps on spamming saying the same thing over will not get the comment published.

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