Prestige Award our nomination invite !

Prestige Award our nomination invite ! SO PROUD
Hi Friends and readers of collectibulldogs The only bulldog memorabilia collection website in the world ! OMG Prestige Award our nomination invite ! trawling through our emails today we came across one from a gentleman called Andrew !
now we don’t normally get emails quite like this yes we have won awards before but most of them were to do with the articles we write and not the whole picture when it comes to our own enterprise and how far we’ve taken it.
There are rules for winning this prize And we believe that we have covered some of the criteria needed to be put forward as a nomination for the south of England prestige award 2020.
ever since the exhibition and the awards and also the collaboration with Sussex University collectibulldogs has gone a bit quiet and this was due to personal circumstances the website was recently renewed and now it has mental health as part of the article section.
The Corporate Livewire Prestige Awards recognise small and medium-sized businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months.
All shortlisted companies put forward in the prestige awards are asked to support their nomination with evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients, information on previous accreditation and recognition as well as highlighting the most outstanding parts of their businesses.
The judging panel base their decisions upon areas such as service excellence, quality of the product/ service provided, innovative practices, value, ethical or sustainable methods of working, as well as consistency in performance. The winners selected are those who can best demonstrate their strengths in these areas.
To put a firm, individual or yourself forward to be considered for a prestige award please fill out the short form below on our nomination page with as much information as possible.
Prestige Award our nomination invite !

Prestige Award our nomination invite !
We Would absolutely love to win the prestige award we understand there are others just as deserving and I cannot Go using my mental health as a handicap I believe in fairness and the website the collection and the story has the strength to stand on its own merit.
just to be recognised was a nice surprise but to be nominated by our fellow readers our friends family and other people that recognise that way or I have created something special and original when I started collectibulldogs.
from the quality of the collection itself and the beautiful pieces showcased to the honesty written in mental health articles the website we have to say we are extremely proud of and we know of no other website like it out there in the world.
your nominations will effectively push our venture forward and at long last we can be established as the Premier bulldog antiques and collectables resource website with the added features like our guest article writer the mental health articles and all the help that the website has offered since starting.
Just awaiting a response

Prestige Award our nomination invite ! We’ve been noticed
The email has been replied to and now we eagerly why we were so taken aback the beginning of the email asked if the whole thing was a joke but if not we were definitely interested LOL
collectibulldogs has waited years to be recognised especially in our own town Brighton in the UK the exhibition of bulldog memorabilia was in 2017 and was covered by the Brighton office but since then most of our recognition has been online.
We class our endorsement as an achievement And wynnes posts are great for new visitors but to get 100s of views each day like a real online museum or real museum blog would be fantastic and the icing on the cake would be for that my hometown know of what I have created.
we cannot wait for the response and we really hope you can use the links provided to find us and nominate us for the south of England prestige awards 2020 imagine it our little website beating all the larger more in-depth ventures that are cool just not as cool as an our collectibulldogs
Award Winning Bulldog Memorabilia Collection
You deserve it dear Eiffion and I will nominate your outstanding website
Thank you Wynne