Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth My beautiful pregnant wife with miracle maker Porscha

Hi 👋 there readers I hope that your all great 👍 safe and enjoying life, Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth it’s great isn’t it when you have the opportunity to not only pass on good news but explain a story behind what is a miracle.



Ok here goes ! I was twenty four before I was lucky 🍀 enough to become a Father for the first time, hospital records showed an accident when young and child giving was not to be expected due to the  severity of the accident I had when I was just a little child myself.



So its debbie and myself in a rather mixed up relationship my father had passed away and I was lost in a horrible world when I met debbie, don’t get me wrong it was not like most relationships where it starts off  intense lustful and for many fades away, our relationship was the opposite.



It was one ordinary day when I just coughed up to debbie “if we get a puppy I’ll love you forever, within a few weeks of saying this I was walking one of the best dogs (a puppy then) I’ll ever know, Missi moos was a pure white boxer puppy but could of been registered as she had a black eyelid we never did though.

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Happiest bit of kit I’ve ever come across


We found Missi hard to be responsible for at first we were young naive and maybe didn’t think 🤔 things through as much as we do now as adults 🧑, well after getting Missi Moos a little while later I got a phone call IM TWO WEEKS PREGNANT so I’m thinking Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth



The estate we lived on was ruled by a culture of fear the drug dealing families that don’t mind harming people for a spell in prison if it keeps their business going ruled and as debbie is Anglo chinese  (that’s chinese born in the U.K. ) meant I had to protect her from gangs of young adults that would fire insults and maybe more should I of not appeared.



All this stress meant debbie gave birth to Chloe two months early ! Thank God nothing major was wrong yet I do remember the birth and only seeing my child for seconds before they whisked her off up to the Trevor Mann baby unit where she spent a few weeks with Debbie still in hospital with her for feeding and other motherly responsibilities.



Back then I lost a lot of so called friends 👫 partly due to Debbies ethnicity even some of my family didn’t take to her, I wanted to be liked so much back then the culture of fear was within my own circle, that night I let in a so called friend and within five minutes he was running 🏃‍♀️ down the communal stairs as I lay on my front room floor stabbed in my right upper chest (he wanted my mobile to get a hit I later heard)




I became a coma dad I was told skin to skin contact was done ✅ between myself and Chloe and somehow I drip fed her too she was only 4lb at the time, Missi Moos as you can guess was not allowed to be in the hospital so debbie recorded her bark and played it every day.



The situation meant the coma was forced this was to make sure I was as still as possible as soft tissue and sewn up pieces could heal but I could swear I heard my doggy barking a lot again I ask Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth , I have a scar to remind me of that day, as for the perpetrator he overdosed on opiates I knew he lost he’s own brother to a bus tragedy before this happened so the nice part of me did feel a bit sorry.

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Thank you to all puppies


So that’s the story of our very first baby and wether having a puppy had anything to do with pregnancy 🤰 or Ooze luck ? Well you’ve met our new puppy Porscha haven’t you, she’s the little black and white scamp now running us ragged loving her walks food and just life in general ok here goes.



MY DEBBIE IS 8-9 WEEKS PREGNANT and that’s after the story you heard of my youth and seventeen years of being well as a couple should be, Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth WELL I say miracle makers, it’s the second time we’ve taken on a puppy and it’s the second time debbie conceived on or around the same time.



Im 41 years old now thought that was it regarding children so when debbie  pleasantly surprised me by showing me one of those sticks in the two red lines I was gobsmacked and very happy, yes it means I have to give up certain luxuries or things I take for granted up, no more spoils for this dad to be.



My Debbie is beyond happy she’s a little over protective but I admit we both are we want this so much, both just wishing the babies healthy yet as I’m the only Male under this roof maybe god in he’s  infinite wisdom may grant me my wish is becoming a dad now to a little boy.


Debbie deserves to be happy 😃

Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Opps I did it again lol. Congratulations my gorgeous mother to be


The reason the sub header states that fact is she’s wanted this for so long and never imagined it happening ever again and although I’m over the moon I have anxiety issues worries and other issues my disorder decides to fire at me but on the whole we are both ecstatic about the news we really are.



I will be using my format to bring updates scans and any stories through debbies pregnancy 🤰 it’s all part of my big adventure so why not, I’ve only just met Lucy my new help from Brighton museums and I’m in talks with Sean about a brand new website.



Chloe is not really a doggy person I mean she’s 17 with two cats 🐱 lol, so maybe this time round if I show my new son / daughter/ non binary child 👶 the collection and all I’ve done with it I might just peak their interest, so people now you’ve read this what do you think to Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth.



It was i that noticed this and once I pointed this out to my beautiful pregnant wife she realised the  coincidence to but also surprise me when she turnround and expressed that it was wiggles that left her this amazing bundle of joy In her tummy (what a beautiful sentiment towards Wiggles )  and its a joy watching her grow and glow truly.



Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth

Our little miracle maker


So in a round about way there’s our news WE ARE HAVING A BABY COLLECTIBULLDOG either boy 👦 or girl 👧 it’s all good no great actually, I have mixed emotions at the moment but not worried about the pregnancy it’s the next sixteen and more years I worry about my own age my health both physically and mentally.



This time round we have our daughter to help but i have flashbacks of my own mother sending my father to do the shopping 🛒 or pick up my siblings from school 🏫, this was one to two days after my father’s release from hospital 🏥 just a day or so before.



I am learning though you see my stress can be felt by others so the last thing I want is debbie stressed out in anyway so most of my worries I keep inside and put on my YAY smile, it really is an honour and privilege to be given a second gift 🎁 with Debbies parents both ill 🤒 due to age now she needed this happiness and it came at just the right time.


Ok 👍 that’s me for now I really enjoyed sharing my news with everyone I know it’s not bulldog memorabilia But as we all have our own ways of looking at life Puppies modern day miracle makers or myth I thought 💭 was a great title and it seems our furry four legged friends are the new modern day storks what a lovely thought to leave it on, thank you and all comments welcomed thank you.

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