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Good day to you all readers I hope all are well and out there finding great bulldog treasures to add to your wonderful collections.

I have been none stop over the last week taking photos uploading and trying to make sure I’m getting my pictures right.

Sadly for me I’m still not quite getting the desired pictures but I do believe the ones I have re taken and added to the collection site are better and clearer for all to see.

I have also started adding info on pieces I know of and I have also started adding elements of information on makes companies any collectible knowledge I know and a continued research, so I can keep adding so to help folks in the own quests to find amaze bulls pieces.

Due to bully art and showing being my weak points I will continue on ceramics & glass and metals & more till finished then start the daunting task of naming everything I can on that page which I think without help might get a little tricky we will see.

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I think if you check out picture 3 above it shows what happens to some of my pictures I upload them so as not to forget what has been uploaded but I know they will need changing otherwise companies like profit xyz and google A ratings will stop visiting me and keeping the numbers up on my page chart lol.

I want to thank Linda and Edward for the pieces sent over I have always wanted shoe rosettes and related pieces in the collection and I will end up framing them all not only to look good but to preserve the silk.

I got some great pieces from Linda too I now have a big bully buckle collection and I also got a couple of great bargains with the bulldog head humidor being my favourite and so thankful it made it over in one piece.

I’m waiting on a price now for a lovely painting of the original Mack the dog bulldog used by Mack trucks for their advertising and looks just like the piece commissioned by Doris Linder for royal Worcester check it out.


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I’m hoping to do some more sourcing before the week finishes my new contact is in a different time zone, which does not help nor does the posts he sends me its like an online shopping channel just for me he is a bit reluctant to sell certain pieces but I’m sure I will get some new bargains to add to my own collection and the rosettes silks are a great start to a good trading relationship well I hope anyway.

So what still needs doing? I dread to think how many pieces I have missed from the first time round so I will be hunting them down till I have all my pieces catalogued for show and please note lots of new pieces have been recently added.

Ok readers I’m off to enjoy a well deserved cup of tea if you do check out the site I hope the newer pictures are better and any cropped ones will get changed in due course happy collecting!!!

A special COLLECTIBULLDOGS THANK YOU to mrs Coral Buton not just for the lovely gift but for helping me also you have been a star


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