Hi fellow bulldog lovers owners, collectors and those of you that follow my #blog.

I hope your all ok and enjoying a peaceful weekend.

I have had enough of sitting around waiting for things to happen and it’s possible I feel more energetic, now the slog of January is now behind us, and hopefully with a tiny bit of capital, I can get back into the game and start with my #collecting again.

Whilst waiting till I have the funds, I’ve decided to get out and about its easier now that Debbie is Wiggles main care giver, as I get a little extra time to try and do some work for a chosen charity auction house or anything hopefully that I am #interested in.

It goes without saying that the last blog presented to me by Tracy and Kellie Rowe was somewhat of a #fascinating read, I spend a lot of time around my own collection and have somewhat of a knowledge now about #investable #pieces and it looks like this lovely couple have started doing their research too.

The collection has grown somewhat and the quality in the pieces chosen has risen in my opinion (I’m just talking for investment purposes and its the passion that matters).

I found the blog informative and enjoyed my sneaky peak into the Rowes collection the pictures submitted made for a #varied colourful blog and Collectibulldogs and co wish you both every success and you never know in a years time you could have your own collection catalogued online and sending me so called DIY blog questions lol.

Shelf full of collectibles

Shelf full of collectibles

I’m not sure why readers but I feel so excited knowing I’m now advertising Bullish Magazine, the idea was mine after the kind editor contacted me and asked if I would like to appear in Febs issue, at first I thought this to be a wind up as I have appeared there before but it could not be found.

I know it’s real this time because I was contacted by the magazine’s graphics person to design an advert and I have to say some of the other adverts in bullish mag blow my little ad out of the water, but hey it’s still amazebulls and even more so as I’m the first alternative site #advert to be #published in the magazine.

Without wishing to sound bias I would recommend this mag either online or joining their #Facebook group, the gang there do an amazing job of keeping the #magazine five star stylish and advertising the biggest winners the best bulldogs and our beautiful breed with immense pride and with an unsurpassed #quality with every #issue.

Silver Pin Bulldog

Silver Pin Bulldog

My art work!!!

Oh my days, I do not condone violence in any way but when I started this piece I had no idea how stressful I would make myself, over doing it and I’ve nearly thrown it across the room a few times these past few weeks.

Im inspired by the artist LOULABELLE HALES and her sugar skull creations so I thought I would try my own and incorporate a theme so I chose the English hippy movement as I felt it would be easy pickings and a quickly finished piece.

Firstly I have picked the wrong figurine to paint ‘aghhhhh’ I noticed all other artists used smooth ceramic figurines and I chose a piece made in 1987 maybe a study piece and very bumpy indeed.

I’ve got the confidence to post some pictures and I’m sure some will giggle but I can assure you all it will look much better once finished,I feel my artwork can come across as adolescent but I was told it’s because I do not practice, I’m to impatient and way to impatient to practice so a bit of a catch 24 there, however I do not have the same problems when doing other activities like carpentry and metal work.

I will finish this bit by saying try it you can buy cheap ceramic bulldogs and paint it’s actually relaxing when it’s going right and I’m sure not all suffer like I do when trying to be artistic.

[supsystic-gallery id=249]

Online presence

Thank you very much to those of you that share and help to promote the site behind the scenes, I try to thank every share that pops up on my media accounts and I’m sorry if anyone’s been missed out.

This great deed you do for me it all helps to get the website a wider audience and that is my only goal.

I don’t want fame and fortune and all that nonsense, I just want something to be right go right and stay right lol.

With your help and shares and even your friends sharing helps to spread us far and wide and I have recorded over 45 countries having viewed the site on a good day I certainly couldn’t of gotten that far afield so it’s your kindness I’m humbled by and thank you all.

While we are trying to push into viral territory I will continue my research on hash tags as they seem popular and help to reach new interest I need to sort out my art work as its piling up and get sourcing for either the collection or for some of you folks so until the next blog, HAPPY COLLECTING FOLKS…

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