The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

It’s true The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital


Hi readers I hope our core and new readers are all safe and well, it’s not just my belief but it is fact that The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital whom I’m using is a perfect example here, there’s hosts out there that are just interested in your money but the time I’ve spent with the Square one team  has proven otherwise.


The more important aspect to me finding a host is my mental illness imagine working with someone whom has ideas one day and wants to scrap everything the next day, squareone digital I can say have been very patient with me, as a new host there are some hick ups but I’m always reassured and bought to ease, there are some other aspects too.


A host that wavers the migration fee can be a good sign or just a ploy to have you jump over to their company then you feel stuck and that you’ve made the wrong decision when you find your website hasn’t migrated properly or the new host will not go any further without wanting paying more money.


This is a practice that square one digital DOES NOT FOLLOW they of course would love to do your hosting but there’s no catches and when I joined this hosting company the director had already instructed his team to start work on the speed of the website and we got a free banner change, whilst talking I did mention my daughter had a birthday just after I joined so was kindly given a months grace to sort out my affairs.


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

Try our square one digital


So what you get is a dedicated team that will be growing (sign of success and growth) over the next couple of years, the expertise and skill set of this team covers everything that’s from website  development and hosting, visual advertising, content advertising,SEO (search engine optimisation) I’m not into the same niche by miles so naming what they can do for you would be immensely long if only I knew myself.


This is a 5 star 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 company which Sean and his team should be proud of and their TRUSTPILOT rating alone speaks volumes, I’ve looked at the website which would obviously have a professional look 👀 and most of Sean’s correspondence so fair has been encouraging, with OCD change is very hard but every anxious moment that’s sent to Sean and the team gets alleviated as quick as I send the email.


Our deal is perfect for collectibulldogs square one digital have abbreviated us to CBD, which in future could turn in our favour as the other kind of CBD becomes ever more popular and would make a great keyword suggestion, if you contact the team not only will their little ideas bring progress if you migrated but you could also talk in person about your  finances and budget.


I know the team at square one digital will try their hardest to work with you and can cater to most online and  Digital marketing needs as this is where they share their expertise, if like me you think The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital then give this team your trust ! It’s not something you would regret that’s for sure.


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital




Word of mouth can work very well if people think your the person to go to and after I had issues with my last host my wife decided to find another host that could do more for the website and help me on a regular basis and this came from her friend whom is a client with squareone digitalis for me I was felling trapped not knowing how to use the website and it had me feeling that I only owned a collection and that the websites last host seemed to be in charge.


Sean has knowledge of this but is struggling at the moment to change the situation he wants me to have an understanding of my own website but due to issues I’m currently going through this is proving hard for both of us, there is a task system that’s set up and most people would understand how it works and give it a try, I couldn’t even get in as it said my email was wrong so I gave up straight away I didn’t even bother pressing to try and get in through google as I know my PTSD means I forget my passwords all the time.


I do not wish to be babysat so when my mental health issues subside and I get discharged from the metal health recovery team here in Brighton I will be more of a team player !  I’ve gone from a host that did everything to a host willing to teach, I had not thought about the frustration it would cause to my disorder and I feel the current host knows this.


Ive not been pushed in at the deep end the team at square one digital have been fantastic so far ! Hopefully this continues my last host was warned of my mental illness and I did tell him one day he would crack, with so many of his own problems at the time he did lash out and as a professional I found this to unbecoming of someone taking your money for a service they provide.

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

Hey I’m in the wrong article!

The power of self-worth has been taught to me very quickly by the square one digital team even when the emails get mixed up I get urged not to keep apologising or to say I’m pestering when emailing too, I’ve been shown that CBD Collectibulldogs has great potential and a newer site is on route but slowly.


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital Was the right move for us I still feel anxious about the migration and it’s caused more worries but they are of my own concern regarding Collectibulldogs other than that the website is in safe hands and now I finally feel it’s my site I can up and go, be with any host I like, not be cornered into just knowing the blogging page.


Positivity oozes from Sean and the company he has built up, its only fair his trumpet 🎺 gets blown as this young entrepreneurs website development and digital advertising agency goes from strength to strength, has my wife made the right move for the best well the credibility of this company speaks volumes, CBD could grow into something more successful than it is with the help of squarevone digital


we have already started talking about a joint venture sean knows I have low funds so come up with an idea that I came up with a while back before meeting Sean, my idea was not current and did not reflect today’s online pricing for advertising, I now know my website and being published on it is worth much more than I thought.


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital


Racking my brains 🧠 for a combined name for this venture I thought of onedog advertising or names that involve squareone digital and either Collectibulldogs or dogs in general, it’s not been easy and any one out there with mind for combining names please write in I would not plagiarise your idea but use to inspre my own idea for a name.


Im just waiting for Sean to develop an advertising page with all the products we can offer the time length per pricing, the details about the SEO and help you will get with your article to help rank better and of course you’ll want to know your article will get seen so I’ve sent squareone digital my format following just to show potential clients we have the social media formats covered and with surprising numbers.


Waiting for the right people has been a test of patience I really want to show people ten years of building up my own venture alone was not in vain and teamed up with Sean on this I know it we could just get a few advertising with us or content writers I could show and prove my skill set not only to the team but tonmyself as well.


Best part of this idea ! No not any money made by advertising for others (I’ve lasted this long without it) It’s the new content added to the website that will help us to improve our DA and prices will reflect the effort both myself and square one digital will put into each post, i for one cannot wait to see what Sean will come up with and remember we are a one of a kind website so should eventually get collaboration from suppliers writers and with Sean’s Seo work maybe some affiliates with strong backlinks the Seo is to stop google from seeing posts and website as a spam machine!


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital


A funny conversation yesterday prompted the article The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital Sean had sent an email asking if I could do two thousand word blog articles and he put on lead pulling ! Now as Sean is a  website development and digital marketing agency I thought the fella meant generating leads for the website not for one minute did I think he meant actual dogs and how to control pulling.


I did explain that yes two thousand words on an article is easy but in my niche not only have viewers asked for more collecting articles there’s such a divide when it comes to bulldog related subjects I tend to steer clear but if someone thinks they know the answer I do not mind publishing their articles,


Health care nutrition eithical breeding it wouldn’t matter how much I researched there still would be massive opinion on these subjects especially from other countries where most of the same practices have their own versions, I felt bad explaining to Sean that this approach is not best suited to me and just as I’ve explained here I explained to to the team as well.


Collections within a collection came in at two thousand four hundred words all the tools I need is the knowledge of how keywords may work in the actual content I’m writing and not just put in the headers, and in general I can write about most things if researched first yet as even a bronze from the 1860s which depicts a bulldog chained to a post lost me a good few followers on Facebook, the more we work together the better understanding one will give to the other.


The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital




To summarise the article I’d firstly like to thank Sean and the team for taking on CBD aka Collectibulldogs the kindness patience and  professionalism has been second to none so far and for my own anxiety I hope carries on, squareone digital have been The consummate professionals from the day we were introduced to them.


If you want the best from a team that cares then forget cheap pull you in deals that offer the basics and have a chat with Sean even if your on a budget like me do not be afraid just be honest and see what they can do for you, all websites are different I’d class mine as less important as I do not sell so there’s no need for square one to fix CBD straight away plus our deal works on a fraction type deal where I pay a little more than the hosting plan this gets saved until there’s enough to fix a particular issue onlsite


most companies have compulsory plans so when this was agreed I was not just relieved that we found a new host but I would not have to find a large amount of money straight away, don’t get me wrong I plan to surprise my new host with funds here and there otherwise it may take a while but I say this is me stating this squareone digital work for you yes they need paying but that’s just the business end you’ll still get the best and they will always keep trying for you!

The right Host is key to online success ie square one digital

A message from debbie Ashdown 


Hi it was a bit silly to and throwing, eiffion is classed as vulnerable no matter his achievements or accomplishments and I doubt I’d be here saying this now If the last host just apologied,we understood he’s issues had compassion and gave him ever opportunity until I had enough of having three way conversations, I spoke to an old school friend and others on Facebook and Sean’s company was repeatedly recommended !


I hope eiffion has a better time with Sean I’ve spoken to Sean himself and I find him to be of genuine character and must know what his doing to get so much coverage just by people chit chatting, eiffion was upfront about his condition and Sean was fine with it “not many have offered to work with eiffion either due to disability or budget) but that’s not an issue, all I want is eiffion to find success and be happy.


Sean Lee-Amies
CEO & Digital Strategist
Square One Digital

T: +44 (0)1903 685 555
M: +44 (0)7899 781 097


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