The history of the bulldog in this company can be dated back to 1917 and these are depicted by the tam o shanter piece or the tin hat air raid bulldog you can even find a bulldog seated below the famous Royal Doulton balloon lady.

Royal Doulton was and still is patriotic from pieces of old dating back to the two wars and also with the 007 franchise with skyfall and now spectre the latest film that shows jack the bulldogs come back as a scared up unbreakable piece that is now available for sale.

Other pieces have been made through the years thanks to John Nokes and Fredarick Dawes.

Royal Doulton still operate and have a factory in Thailand and also still commission out pieces to makers like UK CERAMICS that made the bowler hat union jack seated bulldog.

These are great investment pieces and brighten up any display case but note the rarer are hard to find and can command very high prices due to popularity and lack of supply with the most illusive being a lustre ware pot with Royal Doultons HN881 seated on top, if found its so rare it doesn’t have a book price.

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