This factory first came to be in the early 1750s after two scientists persuaded a group of gentleman to invest in a new way of producing ceramics the money went partly to buy a factory and they named themselves The Worcester Tonquin Manufactory.

This ran till the 1870s when along came Thomas flight whom bought the factory and ran it with two sons.

In 1788 George the Third warrented the company after a visit to make it the royal porcelain works, other warrants included are 1807 by the then Prince of Wales and also again in 1808 by the then Princess of Wales.

Royal Worcester has had its good and bad periods and also great artists worked for this company like Charles Baldwin and a peoples favourite Christopher Dresser but I know them best for the artist Doris Linder whom designed the bulldog for mack trucks and is today one of a collectors best pieces regardless of price.

Royal Worcester went down in 2008 and was bought out by another company whom I believe bought the name and brand rights and are on the Royal Worcester website today as portmeirion which I believe still owns the name and churns out modern Royal Worcester pieces, I have found minis of Royal Worcester but not others yet.

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