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Good morning readers I thought I was going to get away with one nights sleep straight through but yet again I am awake at silly o clock, so thought I would do my blog and show some old pictures I found.

Aas you can see my collection has increased somewhat since these were taken and its nice to look back and I can remember thinking back then, my collection was massive but I also remember thinking I was the only collector in the world but of course that’s not true, I think I just needed to get out more.

My overall taste has not changed I still love my bronze and European pieces but these past couple of years, have had me seeing pieces that certainly have the WOW factor and their owners just like me are lucky to have such treasures and I also own some pieces a few years ag,o were just dream pieces with little to no hope of ever buying them so it is amazing just thinking of how much in the way of collectibles there are out there.

I sure know there are loads due to the help asked for in liquidating and helping to sell on other peoples pieces which I enjoy but not so much when there are heart breaking stories behind the collections being sold but that’s the sellers decision, I just do the research and give advice.

I got my tech friend Zak to have a look at what I have done with the site and the cheeky fella said it needs to be re done!!!

Now I’m very happy for someone to re-edit the site but it now means I have to retake every picture I have already snapped plus the pieces I have not done yet Its going to take me ages even if I were to start straight away.

I understand where he is coming from there are poorly taken pictures and some pieces are a bit cropped so you cannot see the whole picture he says this will bore my visitors and they will not return but I did say in a previous blog due to issues my site, may not be the best it could be and that I was trying with differing degrees of success.

Zak is going to overhaul each page but we will publish after each is done so the site stays up and running while getting its new make over.

For some unknown reason the facebook group has really slowed just lately, I am not sure why this is but if I want it flowing again, I will need to think of some ideas and go on a recruiting drive to see if there are more collectors out there, willing to join and show off their pieces or see what happened to most of the regular posters whom posted most days but are now long gone.

As for me this week I met with a lovely lady selling on her pieces and bought myself some nice items and found a few I know a certain collector friend of mine will love, it just means there is more pictures to take oh well the joys of owning a site lol.

TOP TIP  Before I go and as its nearing Christmas, I would like to suggest that any DANBURY MINT fans out there try and get your desired pieces found and bought before Christmas if possible, the reason being is you will end up paying up to three times the items amount over this period with sellers cashing in on the feastive season, also demand for these pieces at Christmas way out strips the amount of pieces that will be up for grabs so happy collecting folks and here is to Zak, making websites is not easy to do so moaning aside I’m really grateful for the help.


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