So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown Our noseless snowmen ⛄️

Hi there again readers 👩‍🏫  👨‍🏫 I hope your well and good, just a simple question really So What Are You Doing During Lockdown ? It would be interesting to find out how others are using their time.

Im all for keeping myself and others safe and I understand why we are in lockdown but I feel real changes need to happen if a virus can wipe out whole countries and their economies, the deaths around the world have been the biggest tragedy in my life time.

A new way of living is needed and I believe we will see this in the way people go about their lives in future it will effect high streets and our ability to consume ie buy things but as we are capitalised in the way we live the powers that be would hope we just get back too it.

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown Is a good question 🙋 we would like to hear how your spending your time Wether it’s effecting you or those around you in a positive or negative way.

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

Wooden Christmas trees

It’s important that we all feel like this lockdown is for the greater good and not Draconian measures put in place by the government it all depends how you see it, I’m one for not having my family ill so I’m happy to stay indoors.

The first lockdown was ok for us we have our baby here so she keeps us occupied but I did feel unwell after the first lockdown I started getting a real fear of the virus spent the whole year in and got agoraphobia.

I go as far as putting the bins out down the road taking the dog out and or any appointments there was even a diagnosis from my dr saying I had health anxiety and would I take meds, I felt if I get an all clear from what ails me I wouldn’t need pills 💊.

My days are spent in our back garden firstly I go around and pick up any doggy do do then I decide what I’m making for the day, watching me you’d wonder where The other two stooges are as I drop this and that or catch my thumb.

So What Am I Doing During Lockdown

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

A double stat planter. Not what you’d find at home base or B and Q

March was the time I tackled the garden and made it look nice and after Covid lockdown one I did put up the fence and now I have all the time (daylight hours) I need I can take more time on my projects and others.

Christmas this year will be seen by many as a wash out (whats the point ) or (we cannot afford it ) for which I’m really sad about, limited editions by ave was A PAGE SET UP TO HELP MY COMMUNITY the idea was I made things people wanted and offered at donation prices.

At first I was swamped not that I minded there were orders coming in thick and fast I really did think this idea is going to take off but that didn’t happen, same old story you get followers but that’s all they remain there’s hardly any likes or shares unless you pay Facebook for the privilege.

There’s no Hard feelings I do feel for those on a low income that cannot afford set prices but you cannot run a community project without the community behind you I learned this with the website years ago, I’m still being creative I won’t something that didn’t go to plan stop me.

Just recently

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown

So What Are You Doing During Lockdown Believe it or not this piece maybe going to Luxembourg 🇱🇺 I cannot believe it too lol

The project left on the table today will be a rather long planter but I always put a twist on my work so it will not look like a Bog Standard planter and this is why people are getting a great deal ! The DIY shops don’t offer to spec work and where else can you get a five foot pine planter for just £40.

Hoping there is some Ho Ho Ho left in 2020 I’ve started making slat snowmen ⛄️ I’m just waiting on the orange 🍊 colour for he’s nose then they are available to be bought, my wife and I thought that we could donate half the money to a local charity.

The feed the kids school programs or a local Christmas organisation that sends presents out to poor families (I know them as I was once one myself ) I never ask for more than anyone can afford and the money 99% of the time goes back into the venture.

I was using scaffolding boards in one of my projects but as the wood is so heavy to use it was aggravating an old wounds on the chest so I’ve gone back to using lighter woods or just not lifting as much as I was, there’s other inspirational ideas to make but.


U.K. lockdown winter 2020

Last time I worked hard I was left with a back garden full of pieces people procrastinated about this is the concept I do not understand why would you ask a donation based community venture to make you something and then not go ahead with your agreement.

In light of this and the sort of people that do this I will now only be making a few things at a time and then offering them out I’m still getting orders slowly but not as many as I would like to keep me busy during this lockdown period so I will use my initiative and see what ends up going once I’ve made it.

Cold frames are quite popular in the winter months for gardeners and my best donate Alec woodland has recently contacted me asking if I would like some old glass and this would be perfect for making these popular wooden surrounds for peoples little growing vegetables 🍅 🌽  🌶 and sprouting buds.

being one wanting to push boundaries I’ve started using different methods for joinery one is a Dowling joint using the small wooden round poles my next big push is to use the Router properly and learn each of the trimming blades that way I can neaten up my work

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