Treasures from Australia

Treasures from Australia

Hi folks, I hope that you are all well and safe getting ready to cheer on your prospective countries athletes at this years Rio Olympics I know I will be and there’s some big stars competing so I will be cheering on many an international favourite just like the rest of you good folk.

I wanted to take some time to write a small blog to thank a lovely lady for helping me in a big way.

My thank you is to a special lady whom lives thousands of miles away in Australia.

Hi there

I met Carol through my group a couple of years ago and we didn’t really talk till this year but if you remember collectibulldogs got a donation of amazing slides last year well this is the lady that sent them.

It’s not easy having a time scale friendship and I’m having my breakfast when they are having their tea but we now always find time to have a chat.

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One of the best things I have to thank Carol for and that’s for posting on behalf of myself as I’ve stated my OCD gets me into trouble on Facebook and I end up getting small restrictions and even though I know what I’m doing I cannot stop the compulsion and feel if I don’t get enough views coming in per day I have somehow failed.

Carol started posting on my behalf a couple of weeks ago and the views have stayed at a good level and I get the feeling of relief at the prospect that at least the website has had some views.

I used to have something called talking therapy which stopped last year it’s like counselling and at the time really helped me cope with my disorder and when it stopped I started going back down hill and slipping into old negative patterns, now I have a willing ear that sympathies with my woes but tough enough to keep kicking me up my behind when I feel like I’m dropping the ball.

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Carol champions myself and my disorder I can handle myself with stigma etc. but she has strength I call upon when I’m low and she’s also there to share in any highs there are.

This lady is one of the collections true believers and maybe would of helped even if I didn’t have a disorder as she shares the same passion as many of us do in this field.

I have said thank you to this wonderful person and just like many selfless folk she has no clue to the good that she has done and I thought instead of just posting a thank you I would write a small blog thanking her.

Carols latest gift

Carols latest gift

Stunning pastel

Stunning pastel

Continental seated bulldog  outstanding

Continental seated bulldog outstanding






1 million thank you’s

Thank you very much Carol from the collections point of view anyone sharing the link is A-OK with us but as far as we know your the only one that has seen enough potential in the venture to post about it.

More importantly you have helped me on a more personal level from patience, rationalisation, and even the power to get me out where others have failed to.

That and much more that I won’t bore readers with is why I decided to write a blog and say a bigger THANK YOU.

Just imagine if everyone saw in collectibulldogs what you see we would be an over night success…. Happy collecting folks…



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