Comical Bulldog

Comical Bulldog

Good afternoon readers before I start my blog I want to say to my host site STOP sending me emails saying I have not used my site and asking me why, a man needs some sleep so I would appreciate it if those stopped thank you.

Right bully talk now which actually coincides with weeblys emails I have added new pages and started to fill them with my own collection, I will start by taking photos uploading and adding and once that mammoth task is down I will use my knowledge to try and tag every piece with a name maker date or any related info I can remember that’s correct and right to add.

I would not want to get pieces wrong as that would be misleading even by accident.

Christy thank you for all the pestering on facebook looking for URLs and such I now know how to do it so I can leave you in peace at silly o clock in the morning to carry on with the one stop jewellery shop and making it bigger and bigger.

I so chuffed with myself I have managed to add google analytics to my website I know this may sound trivial to most of you out there but things like doing such a thing for me can takes weeks, its also a big jump from using the tablet but you have to as darn it apple you do not support things on apps like BLOGS for example.

My commission piece turned up yesterday and once put together looked amaze bulls and I now have to eat my words as the artisan produced exactly what I asked for and that was BULLDOGS IN MOTION and if you like her work her details can be found on my home screen and you wont regret it with her work speaking for itself and the prices given very reasonable.

I would like to leave a note with any artisans struggling to either get commissions or their work seen to contact me and I can guest you on my site for a while, I do not just mean painters but anyone creative that spends a lot of their time on their chosen art form and would like a bit of coverage.

I would need some details and a link but I’m happy to put up whatever it is you folks make or do and go from there and as I’m not selling lets make the most out of the site till then.

[supsystic-gallery id=164]

A funny little character arrived today in the form of a bulldog doll I will add a picture to my home page for all to see but he is the first one I have seen with the head legs and arms are ceramic and maybe straw inside depending on age.

I’m still waiting on the royal doulton seated bulldog 1939 I swear he has travelled the world at least twice by now he should of been here at latest last week and I’m glad he is a personal piece as I would hate to make a client wait just I have but that’s some sellers for you and I say that as he has not replied to my emails which has to be bad business sense.

I have been cleaning out my drawers as stated in a previous blog and have added them to my pages or will do accordingly I found some limited edition plates and one with a 1883 date so wrapped it up well and put it away other pieces included were ceramic bulldogs I forgot I had and I need to dig in further to see what else is there but my back tends to go after a while.

I would ask all those that have taken an interest in this venture to keep baring with me when I’m not sleeping or busy I’m snapping away at each piece ready to add it to the site THERES JUST SOOOO MANY.

As I have now learned a little tech savvy I can stop trying to figure things out and get back to building the site and when its finished it will make a great reference guide for other collectors of English bulldogs to use not only to find out what is out there or what I have but learn as I have the smaller details that give away the pieces back ground and country of manufacture I promise after a while it becomes second nature.

Please check out the site as I have added more and will continue till its either done or my back waves a white flag but yes please have a nose folks, I need to go now readers my daughters at a party and its dark so daddy duty it is, HAPPY COLLECTING

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