Stolen dogs Broken hearts

Stolen dogs Broken hearts
Hi readers it was bought to our attention that no articles on stolen dogs have been submitted so Wynne and myself thought we’d collaborate on Stolen dogs Broken hearts, this happens every day not just in the UK but across the devolved world
imagine coming home one day all seems well all your belongings are still in the place you left them but something isn’t quite right then it clicks “where’s my dog / dogs” they were here when I left ! Then that dreaded search for nothing as it dawns on you that someone has taken them
unlike an iPhone or other expensive object going missing the dread and hurt from this dreadful crime leaves families with broken hearts the thief to them has taken more than just a pet they’ve Stolen dogs Broken hearts and left homes in grieving process after.
The results are devastating to the owners whom I cannot comprehend how lost they would feel if this happened to them to lose your friend your companion or companions and not be able to do much apart from put up posters and report the theft must feel beyond useless but I’d be the same and try everything humanly possible even if without any hope of seeing the pooch again.
Stolen dogs Broken hearts Protect your pooches
Unfortunately society is not on our side when it comes to our dogs Stolen dogs Broken hearts is not a police priority unlike kidnapping which the owner would feel has happened but technology these days is so good you can make it nearly impossible for your dog to be stolen.

Stolen dogs Broken hearts remember Not all are found
Firstly the cheapest way to help keep your dog safe is to be a good neighbor ! Showing respect to your neighbors and asking them to keep an eye out if your worried or you’ve seen suspicious behaviour in your neighbourhood, most I’m sure would happily text or phone you if people are seen on your property.
High tech gadgets from doorbells with cameras and speakers in to undetectable motion sensors and cameras that can be recorded as evidence and can be seen live this goes for inside the house too, I’m sure pet shops even stock certain gadgets now that you can use to spy on your on dog but also keep an eye on them too.
Other measures mean doing some research and taking a trip you can end up at a veterinarian practice that can not only micro chip your dog to prevent Stolen dogs Broken hearts but advancements in pet protection means you can now GPS tag your dog and have nice normal beating heart knowing your dog is as safe as can be, failing all that get a dog sitter we do !.
Stolen dogs Broken hearts Wynne
Cheers from Maine my good friends across the pond. When Eiffion asked if I would do a little something on missing or stolen pups in the UK my immediate response was most definitely. I am always shocked at the sheer numbers of pups who are missing or snatched from their owners in broad daylight and in public.

Report any suspicious behaviour folks do each other a favour and keep an eye out for one another
But some are whisked away very stealthily while enjoying their garden or fenced in garden. Only bold criminals would do such a thing. So I had to do a bit of research and discovered through Direct Line that in 2018, 1,931 dog thefts were reported in the UK. That figure is a 27% increase over the reported cases in 2014. And in a February 15, 2018 report by The Conversation, five dogs are stolen every day in the UK but only one is ever returned to their owners or recovered.
The BBC reports that the following breeds are stolen the most–Staffordshire Bull Terrier is stolen the most; crossbreeds are second; French Bulldogs are third: Chihuahua is fourth; and, Jack Russells are fifth.
But why? Why are so many dogs in the UK stolen–are they resold to unsuspecting buyers? Are they forced to fight or used as bait dogs in criminal dog fighting rings? Are they stolen for animal testing facilities? Whatever the root or cause, this appears to be a growing problem leaving so many dog guardians heartbroken and in emotional pain.
Stolen dogs Broken hearts Continued
One day before my birthday in February 2018, I saw a post on Twitter about two gorgeous French Bulldogs who were stolen in Wales. Bert and Ernie were gleefully playing in their garden and were suddenly gone. I immediately followed the Twitter account @berternieappeal and they reciprocated. For over a year I tweeted and retweeted for these two beautiful boys.
Collectibulldogs has found a Facebook group able to help with this dreadful crime
So many crazy things ran through my mind. I was–and still am–terrified for these boys. And I still pray that they are found unharmed and returned to their wonderful family. But what can you do to protect your pup and furmaly member? The first action that comes to my mind that every dog guardian should do is never let them out of your sight.
But if you have go on errands or other locations where you pup is not allowed–leave them at home. But some pet thefts have occurred as home invasions. Purchase a CCTV system. The costs are coming down and one can pick up a decent unit for £39 that does not require a monthly monitoring fee and is cloud-based.
You simply install the CCTV camera and download an app to your phone and you can see a live feed of your home. Don’t ever leave your pups alone. I have a motto that I live by–if you wouldn’t put a human infant in a certain situation, don’t leave a pup. And if you recognize Bert and Ernie, please report to the numbers listed in the photos below. Don’t let bad people get their paws on your pups.
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Microchipping is compulsory here in UK and goes some way to make pets safer, but is no use unless owners update the information and scanning by vets isn’t mandatory. Pet theft is a horrible problem and I hope you don’t mind this petition – for UK citizens – which asks the Govt to amend animal welfare law to make pet theft a specific offence, rather than considering a dog or cat just like any other inanimate object. Thank you Wynne.
Thank you Wynne oh god this is just so wrong
Awesome article Wynne and friend. Heartbreaking.
Written eloquently from the heart. It is tragic the numbers of dogs stolen.
The world has become a place where safety is a top priority.
Well done, Wynne,and thank you for this important article.
Hoping for all.
Thank you for your comments keep them coming