Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

Hi readers from far and wide I’ve noticed a spike in our analytics and I know it’s not from most other formats so thought to say Thank you Pinterest for all the interest ! I’ve started posting to Pinterest and it seems that some there injoy our content


To see someone have a two hour session on our website is beyond belief there’s been other spikes too from fifty minutes right up to three hours and forty minutes I mean this is fantastic for us, I’ve had a Pinterest account for a couple of years but didn’t think anyone read my posts or wether or not I was getting the right boards.


Thank you Pinterest for all the interest ! And I sure hope it continues views have dropped lately but I do not mind losing out on views if some people are liking the site so much they are browsing us instead of the internet.


I hope those that found us on Pinterest make contact if so I’ll use the format more and post many more pictures there, not all my of collection is on the website yet and I mainly post blog articles but I know my host has added Pinterest pin adds to my sites pictures please feel free to share to any boards you like.

Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

Some pieces not yet shown come make contact if we interest you


So What do you use Pinterest for fellow Pinners ? Are you a blogger a writer an active member etc the point I’m trying to make is I’m reaching out to those that may use Pinterest like I do and maybe there’s scope for collaboration my website gets views from all over the world and a great platform for exposure.


Folks that use the popular auction sites or self selling feel free to contact us for help or to collaborate as you know these sites sell your goods but give you little advertising hence why so many now use social media as a gateway to making connections and sales.


Come be part of Collectibulldogs a one of a kind website where I’ve spent the past decade or so building up this social enterprise in the making, with plans for a pop up museum in the pipeline and proper endorsement now we are on our way upwards, hitting 211k on twitter has also been an achievement and I know many on my page would be interested in seeing new things.


Also if you wish to post on my boards just drop me a message and I will work out how it’s done ✅ if you want your pinned shared across media feel free to ask and if like me your a collector we’d love to hear from you have you join our boards and hopefully get in touch about article writing, this offer is open to most demographics we have pages for most types of topics


For those new or interested Collectibulldogs was set up as a dedication to the bestest bulldog Scruffy-Louise whom was my best friend for many years and where this whole crazy adventure started, so we have been online over 3 yrs we’ve exhibited the worlds first bulldog memorabilia exhibition that was in 2017 at Brighton Museum.


Media attention includes local press country wide radio and our pieces were used as part of a segment on this morning a tv show in the U.K., we’ve won 2 awards for originality in our articles, I’ve created an ebook made free for anyone wishing to start a collection and even a PDF for those that like our collection but do not wish to collect.


We crave support for this venture it’s not for bragging rights the English bulldog is collected by many even if they do not show themselves just type anything bulldogs into Pinterest eBay Etsy most stores are selling them as collectibles or antiques, I’m collecting to one day open a museum here in the UK the breed has been a part of England’s past present and future so deserve to be commemorated in this way.


Collectibulldogs is linked to Finally Home @Brighton_Museums. 27th sept 2016 the museum in our city ! It’s a country first I do not know if other countries allow backlinks from hobby collectors to such places and I’ve asked for the same with other museums in the U.K. whom say no so I’m very lucky 🍀 to be attached to them and get the support I do from them.

The collection

Again Thank you Pinterest for all the interest ! Truly it’s appreciated as someone whom has OCD and relies on views for continued validation where this is so niche I like to see we have had regular visitors and those that book mark us you all rock !


The collection is split into sub sections, I do not know how I managed to create a 60 year old looking bulldog collection and in all there’s 4-5 thousand pieces from the investable right down to pieces made this decade I know together it’s worth a lot but never divulge that info and the collection will stay together until it’s passed on to my daughter whom can then do as she wishes with it About

English Bulldog Memorabilia Collection

My Dream is to reclaim the bulldog breed take it back from it’s bad name yes breeders have a way to go to help the bulldog with some health issues but like most other creatures they deserve to be here and you cannot blame an animal for mans creations.


After getting blocked on twitter I also done my research to take the bulldog breed away from nationalism here in the UK I couldn’t believe fellow supporters were blocking in mass due to the fact I had a collection page that wiggles well and truly took over lol Vote Does Yours matter if you own a Bulldog was me expressing my distaste to this.


The other point I raised which for some I doubt sunk in was that no matter what Winston Churchill’s views were he never owned bulldogs it started out from a caricature of him and became a propaganda machine effort, yes he was photographed next to bulldogs at barracks but he drove in and out of 10 Downing Street with a French poodle Why so many have missed this out is unbelievable especially with The french occupation  back then.


I knew I’d be defending the breed and myself at some point but I’ve not let anything put me off I have come close to quitting all this selling up and forgetting I ever started but those are usually bad days when things in my own life are not going right.


So please remember if your a board creator and want to come post on mine just ask, if you think I shouldn’t be posting on your boards just say and those wanting more exposure advertising or just mutually connect please get in touch and if any Pinterest people are twitter please give @collectibulldog a follow we always follow back and have had over three quarters of a million retweets to date, so one more time Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !

we can be found on Facebook Pinterest instagram LinkedIn twitter blog lovin medium pocket Pearltrees Flickr tumblr and reddit if your on any of these please look us up and share our content I do reciprocate but since the issues with Facebook I have admittedly spent most of my time on twitter always trying to get people interested in Collectibulldogs and share us world wide.


I do see follows pop up from Pinterest so if I see any messages once this ranks I’ll know there’s folk out there interested in what I’m trying to achieve, if your a seller and leave a comment I’d be happy to leave your url up we have over 1k comments on our articles and they do get read, stay safe and happy collecting and again one more time Thank you Pinterest for all the interest !



The Bulldog Spirit a friendly explanation

Check it out Twitter loves Wiggles

Our latest Brighton museum blog article


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