Hi readers as promised in a previous blog I now have some pictures of the old growler, I decided to loan as free this piece to a museum after foolishly buying it because I thought I would be able to look after it but if you use the link I will add you will see this piece is actually quite fragile and made from paper mache and wire.

I got my piece a couple of years back and started to notice the fleck was coming off and due to its age and rarity I wanted to preserve the piece the best way I could and that meant loaning the piece to a place where the experts can best look after him, he still fully works with all wheels present the only snag is he has more of a cough than a growl but that’s what you get with 200 year old pieces.

Here is the link given to me if you wish to learn more about the old growler, I’m going to surprise my daughter by putting the piece in her name then taking her up to the museum and see if she notices her name as the loaner.

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