
I was going to start this blog with a silly comment suggesting that miniatures or minis as I call them come in all shapes and sizes but of course the size part would not be true and it does not help having a snoring bulldog lying next to me as I blog bless her so I had best add some extra concentration to what I’m writing.

Miniatures as in very small objects I have to say are plentiful in the world of English bulldog collecting and there are so many they go beyond sub collections and you could say have a large hold in the collectors field and you can make massive investable or not for some collections out of these tiny pieces.

I have not heard of many companies that deal in miniatures but there are some out there and some sellers such as Jackies attic on ebay deal in these, I know some of the American main stream names like Klima and north rose but as I do not collect these my knowledge is limited and I’m better of mentioning about what I have and and know and go from there.

Lets start in the metal and bronze cabinet its full of tiny pieces made from various materials with my smallest pieces being two bronzes one is a tiny round one the size of a pea and the other is seated old style English bulldog that stands 1cm tall.

There are lots of other tiny pieces in the same cabinet most are vintage actual bulldog figurines and others were made with a purpose in mind like a small bronze bulldog that once sat on top of a champagne bottle and another is a little metal bulldog with a chain that attached to something at some point like a pen, then you have the world of folk art with people making their own miniature pieces for the modern age like tiff from crafty bulldogs and other artisans that work with clay wood and glass, the best thing I think about these folks adding to the collecting field is choice as 100 years back it was way to expensive for the everyday person to ask for a commission to be made but these days most are affordable and great quality with the artisans doing their best to get your requests spot on.

Mainstream miniatures can also be found from many a pottery house both here and in Europe I have noticed both England and Germany have churned out miniature pieces from their prospective pottery houses like Metzner and Ortloff Goebel and Meissen all have made miniature sets to collect. These are either family sets or mother piece with puppy pieces to complete the sets.

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In England I have not found sets like in Germany but English pottery houses have made quite a few themselves included is Beswicks buson piece, a piece from Royal Worcester that is the same model but in different colourways and Royal Staffordshire have the same, its a small one pose piece but with different colours.

As for miniatures world wide there are many but my knowledge of only 6 years is limited so I will do another blog on international miniatures after I have done some research on them.

I will finish by saying these lovely little pieces can be great to collect for many reasons you may be on a budget or have limited space in your homes but with these you can have a whole collection sitting in one cabinet wall shelves or however you wish to display them, I saw a collection of bulldog thimbles not so long ago and they looked amazing I think there was around 200 on a flat cabinet connected onto the wall and the owner is very proud of what she has found in her years of searching.

If you have a tiny piece and need help with identifying it just email me or find me on facebook.

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