Our ebook could be top dog

Top dog


Hi there readers, I hope your all safe and well, there’s currently an advertising competition and I’m asking for your help, ePrintedBooks have this Best ebook quest and the more visits to Our ebook at ePrintedBooks the higher up the ladder we climb there.

With over seven hundred ebooks already taken from the website I already feel like I’m top dog but to win this little challenge so that the originality of Collectibulldogs can be in first place somewhere would be the dogs (well you know), I’ve spoken with ePrintedBooks whom have stated asking my own collecting demographic does not count as cheating.

Top dog in many firsts

It’s true to say from the website and it’s originality to the exhibition of 2017 and even the link to Brighton museums was a first, no one else in the U.K. has a museum link and most museums do not advertise or take on hobby links but we got ours.

So to add to those accolades and others mentioned before we would love to get to first place on ePrintedBooks our ebook does deserve the placement and bulldog collecting is so different from the others on display, it’s not a story like most but very  in depth and the owner of ePrintedBooks loved it just for its originality alone.

ePrintedBooks becoming its own top dog 🐶

The format is brilliant it’s nothing like you’ve seen before for a ebook publishing company ePrintedBooks has humour integrity and still has fun whilst keeping its professional manner I’ll add a couple of instances of the type of content one should expect at this cool website.

I myself cannot afford the services privileged to those that pay (which is only fair);I’d love to have the money to have my ebook on amazon but will stay content with ePrintedBooks giving us the advertising they do and I hope we give them enough back, maybe one day they might help us get further till then though THANK YOU to ePrintedBooks.

From our ePrintedBooks friends


One Full Year Of Advertising For One Payment Of 60 Dollars


Hi there all you amazing people I’ve seen aves analytics and WOW what a website so much work and effort it’s fantastic, now are you looking to create a ebook or have yours seen we do it all at ePrintedBooks like ave here you can start at the beginning or have us advertise you


If you order this advertising plan We will do all the work to set up your kindle or article on our website (1,732,680 yearly visitors and growing) and tweet it out twice every other day on our Twitter account of (at this time) 20K followers for one full year. (Collectibulldogs would like to add that we retweet ePrintedBooks posts to over 170 thousand twitter followers too and use other formats all free of charge to ePrintedBooks) please use the links in aves article to contact us.

ePrintedBooks more than just ebooks


Thank you again to ePrintedBooks (promise that’s not keyword lol) it’s amusing to see the diversity of your website for a large demographic I’ve pulled out one ☝️ piece you recently done called The Whole World News™ Interviews Billy Baxtoon™ – World Famous Rockstar & his new hit song. Enjoy the audio mp3, this will help readers to see what a fun interactive site you run.


The Whole World News™ Interviews Billy Baxtoon™ – World Famous Rockstar & His New Hit Song

Make doggy ebook top dog at ePrintedBooks


Before I go I’ll make one more plea to urge you good folk to hop on over to ePrintedBooks your visit will be logged and if you feel we deserve a review please do so as it all helps and we do not wish to be second or third so even if you do it for the breed please still go ahead.


If you do want to download our book please do so from ePrintedBooks website I’ve not asked yet but I’m sure this can only help the cause so to speak, before any criticism comes please note this is about bulldogs and the only one in the world of its kind so it’s well worth people’s effort to keep anything bulldog related in the public eye.

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