Norman Davis
Hi readers and good day to you all.
I hope you are all well and safe and hopefully out there sourcing researching and finding wonderful pieces to add to your collections.
Today’s blog is not so much about collecting but I felt it right and proper with express permission to do a blog piece on one of Englands most well known Breeders, show judges as he has now retired from the show ring and judging (domestic and international) and I am certain this gentleman has many a bulldog collectible too.
I am of course talking about Mr Norman davis a retired judge from the bully showing ring uk record holder breeder auther and collector WOW that’s a lot to be getting on wouldn’t you think.
I have only known Norman now since joining the world of bulldogs when getting Scruffy but the name has been around for decades now and most of you will of heard of this gentleman.
As far as I know Norman is world renowned but I know him better for posting some of his collectibles on my face book wall every now and again for my muse and that of those that follow me and collect too.
To me this is great as it means Norman is one of us a bulldog collector of the English breed variety and I bet he has a fab collection of his own and it could be why Collectibulldogs.com and my facebook group ENGLISH BULLDOG COLLECTORS CLUB are allowed to be advertised in Normans facebook group OCOBO MY STYLE FAN CLUB which he created to show Normans own registered style of breed.

Norman Davis and Co
Norman has been in the world of bulldogs since an early age and started to breed his first bulldogs from 1942 and continued to breed to standard up until 1968 when Norman decided it was time to own his own bulldog.
Mr Davis had been breeding champion bulldogs for years and he won his first show in 1980.
In his lifetime in the world of bulldogs Mr Davis has had 42 champion bulldogs which is an all time record for the UK.
As some know Mr Davis is a judge, and not only has he judged at Crufts, but also judged at the world bulldog show twice, he has also judged many bulldog shows worldwide over the years and many a true winner has been picked by Mr Davis.
Those that have had the privilege to know Mr Davis will know he is now retired from judging, but still continues to breed (possible future champs).
I do not know nothing of the show ring but would have loved to of showed a dog. I’ve met plenty now that do and it looks a great way to spend time, and what a beautiful breed to be showing off too the world.
All breeds are just as beautiful and what makes shows like Crufts as good as it is.
I will drop a little plug here and let those that do not know that Mr Davis has an autobiography and it will be out early next year and as far as I know is a brilliant read for all bully lovers and I will be adding an addition to my growing book collection.
I wont give to much away but the book does sound very intriguing indeed, Norman’s book will tell you all about the early days where Norman survived the blitz in the war as a young child, right up to becoming a famous house hold name, the struggles to get where he is now and of course all the achievements that made him hit the top as a champion breeder/shower and a champion for the breed in general which has made Norman very successful and popular from all those years back right up till present day.

GRANDOG Cracking a smile
I have been in contact with Norman during the writing of this blog just to make sure the content is fine and dates are correct and I was cheeky enough to ask for some pictures which Norman kindly shared.
As a collector of all things bulldog I loved the picture with Norman and the trophy its so impressive and WOW what a statement I know size does not matter but I’m yet to see a trophy of grander proportions and Norman must be so proud and of not just this one but all the countless others too.
Norman thank you for letting me do a little blog and I wish you every success with the forth coming book we all know it will be on many a bed side table and please keep posting your collectibles on my wall as I love seeing what you have in your collection and I would think so do others.
I’m off for now folks so keep yourselves and each other safe and KEEP COLLECTING…..