Collectibulldogs urges for a twitter verify

Looking for twitter verify we are providing an article of proof of deserving the blue badge
Hi readers I hope as always your all safe and well, with our newest achievement I thought it was time we wrote to twitter verify to get them to see just how original we are what we have achieved and urge them to give us the verification blue badge, we’ve been there three years we are original and bring something new to Twitter and it’s followers.
We do appreciate twitter and it’s verified process but we truly believe with all we have done twitter should at least seriously consider our request, I will try and remember all our achievements and post them below in the hope someone from twitter does read this, I’m not holding my breath but hey it’s worth a try.
Brighton Museum is our first port of call, in 2017 the worlds first bulldog memorabilia exhibition was displayed, the logistics behind this was not easy we didn’t wish to attract the wrong type of visitors nor display anything that could cause unrest to children, thousands of pounds of my own collection was used.
This lead to our first appearance in Brighton Argus (the first of two) and a journalist was assigned from a another paper to do an interview, we are the first hobby type website to get a museum link and we blog for Brighton museum too.

For twitter verify proof of achievements
Why twitter verify is deserved

Collectibulldogs news article our very first
Heart FM is a fantastic radio station situated in England and Collectibulldogs was asked to feature on their news bulletins, although this was not the biggest of accolades we obliged and have a recorded version on our pearl trees account.
Staying with radios we have been in contact with BBC RADIO LONDON whom want to do an interview on the websites venture, this was set up through a friend Alex that plays trombone in the jive aces, I’m waiting till we are married before doing this interview but proves there’s interest out

Twitter, there’s over 1.8 billion websites out there and we are the only one of our kind that’s an achievement in itself but to win awards and get a good domain Authority shows we are not a one trick pony and present something educational and fun for anyone interested.
So saying that we have been endorsed by bullish magazine we have a guest blogging com award and won a feedspot top 30 spot for most original and current websites we were chosen from 10 thousand other websites and came 15TH
Good morning TV in the U.K. were doing a segment on collections and some of my pictures were sent in, these were used as part of the segment and Ammon Holmes can be heard saying even though the segment was about another he found our pictures the best.
I feel it’s unfair that 1000s Of less interesting pages get the authentic blue badge and we have to resort to hoping you notice us through our pinned tweet asking twitter to verify us but as of yet you have not nor replied to say why.
Collectibulldogs was created by myself I’m of complex mental disorder with OCD PTSD and unstable emotional personality disorder, I’ve done cognitive therapy and cognitive analysis therapy and still carried on whilst going through stress induced psychosis, suicidal ideologies and depression.

proof of endorsement all to help with twitter verify
The website aims to teach others about collecting it has mental illness articles as I feel my content should be true, I do not wish to get frustrated because you won’t let us get the verification but it is annoying seeing others with tiny pages nothing to offer and as you know verified accounts are encouraged not to retweet the normal tier so for the rest of us it’s hard to get anywhere.
Twitter in summary we are original and verified was there so accounts cannot be replicated we’ve proven our twitter staying power and I did not give up even after your purge sent my ocd into melt down, please may we get the chance to be verified on your format it’s deserved and before the rules changed we would of been the perfect candidates.

We guest post on other websites including Brighton Museum please check url below
Below lists achievements for twitter verify
My accolades include
Celebs going on our little website
Celeb friends on twitter
Radio broadcast.
On the news
Been in Argus twice
Being endorsed by mr Norman Davis
Being in bullish mag with thanks to Theo Koekemoer
Various website link exchanges
Becoming online influence
First to take collection online
Featuring now in Brighton museum
Guest blog award
Been on heart FM
Pieces used on TV
London radio interested
Feedspot top 30 antiques blogging website. 10 thousand entries
Now endorsed by bullish magazine
Higher Ranking for domain authority and page ranking
Two guest posts on educational website
Blog article sent to Mp
Twitter followers of 174k
Twitter verify us please check every source I’ve presented it’s all actual fact and in just two years imagine what the next 5 years will bring this up and coming venture, you most properly get requests all the time but I’m not sure they have the credentials we have displayed, there maybe others too I’ll have to check the articles.
If your on twitter please he,p us to show twitter that we are the genuine article and @collectibulldog deserves a twitter verify, you can shout us out to twitter verified and twitter support its a long shot but just look at where the website ended up you never know.

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