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Let’s go all UTube

Hello to all my viewers readers and Collectibulldogs enthusiasts let’s go all UTube is a new way of showcasing an article using graphic design, my own pictures and some humour.

The idea behind this is you get to see short videos instead of lots of text I won’t make all blogs this way but will make more if the UTube clips are well recieved

UTube clip one

I started to make short videos for my twitter account but as twitter is much faster than most other formats UTube clips are mostly just to long for poeople to scan yet it’s still a great idea and puts my skills to the test.

This first one was made to showcase Collectibulldogs and to show people just a few of the pieces here.

UTube clip two

UTube clip number two is my actual pinned tweet at the moment it points out that Collectibulldogs wants more guest bloggers to join us, I’m quite proud of this clip the pictures are very well chosen as the text content rolls along.

As I state in every blog we are always looking for guest bloggers so feel free to contact us at Thank You.

To all bloggers

UTube clip number three

As you can make these as long or as short as you like I’ve made up a small version just showing one small cabinet, I will of course be looking into this as a format to use but I believe you need to find viewers etc and for my medium that’s not easy.

UTube clip number four

I think many will like UTube clip number four I’ve taken pictures of wiggles and made a short film with her pictures, this not only shows her off but my sense of humour comes through too.

Get ready for the shortest yet sweetest bulldog film ever made lol, will Wiggles be the cutest ever well you will just have to watch to find out.

UTube clip number five

As some may remember I have spoken about BORIS O KLIENE well what better way to see some of he’s work on UTube video, Titled the dirty dogs of Paris you can plainly see why and Boris did a lot of these funny French illustrations.

Dirty Dogs Of Paris

I’ve been quite the pest

Due to some unfortunate misgivings I have to admit I have been giving lee my web designer a bit of grief, he takes it in he’s stride knowing my circumstances but I cannot help feeling sorry for the poor man so I thought not only will I give him a shout out at THE REMOTE IT PRO but show the clip I made for him.

lees Utube advert

Let’s see what kind of reception this idea gets and I will work on a better longer piece a bit like a short film but let’s see. Until next time folks happy collecting

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Just in our guesting at FROM THE DOGS PAW



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