Blogging Welcome one and all updated for SEO 2022

Blogging We are now open!
Hi there to all of the collectibulldogs viewers whether your a regular or new let me be the first to welcome you too the only online antique bulldog collecting and blogging website that has also reached Museum status which in itself is a true honour and helps to cement the immortalisation of this great breed in object form.
There is so much going on right now I’m not sure where to start but lets begin by saying I hope all are well and safe no matter where you are presently…
I do not wish to bore you about costs but it would be nice to know that I have made a sound investment and made the right choice in going ahead with this the NEW website.
I think its a good investment myself and keeps us still as one of the best bulldog websites not just online but just for being so unique and new bringing something different to what is a centuries old breed and its long standing traditions, but by using objects of desire and history, so do you like the new site the layout and new features???
We did send out a survey but only got limited response so we are hoping more is said through our new forums.
There is so much you can do these days with websites so expect the unexpected down the line as my host introduces me to new plugins that will either enhance the site or your experience whilst viewing collectibulldogs these are things to think about but I will give viewers time to work around the new layout before spinning you out with yet more pages and content, a good proportion of the website is done and after that Lee the web designer will tweak it and hopefully implement what I have asked for then he can sign off and pass my completed site over to me.

Blogging from the The New Look site
Blogging continued WORKING WITH LEE
This fella is so humble generous and understanding I think when he reads this he may blush a bit and its a shame he cannot combine his skills with basic mental health awareness, he deserves a lot of credit and here is why!
I’m the first to admit that it must not be easy working with the likes of me (mood swings, bad memory etc.) but since we have met this fella has been a constant support from start to finish.
I have changed my mind on occasion after he has worked hard on a piece he has put up with a swing around attitude as I go from highs to lows and he has waited patiently for me to surface so he can get the work finished.
In my defence I did pre warn the PRO team that I had mental health issues and that they didn’t have to take me on, blogging here now I’m now so glad they did and working with someone whom is so understanding and compassionate. I think has saved weeks of work and he can move on to his next project whilst keeping an eye on me, as my host the PRO team have certain control on the website so I have aske Lee to add a blogging article just to explain a bit about the site its improvements and if he wants to he can plug his business that I for one will highly recommend.
A Word From Lee (the owner) – The Remote IT Pro
Hello all from Lee from The Remote IT Pro.
Eiffion has asked me to write something about the work on the new site and the technical aspects.
With the old site, the hosting and content management system (cms for short) was not very customizable, without paying over the odds for the features the site needed.
It was also very slow and caused a lot of people to not stick around and view the great content here.
So my first task was to make sure that the new website was easy to customise, easy to add content and help speed up the loading of pages.
By switching to my own hosting, I have full control of the server that hosts the website and I have access to the administration side of the cms to help assist Eiffion with the site, when he needs assistance.
We have used a variety of plugins to enhance the functionality of the website (such as galleries and a caching plugin to reduce loading times).
We have also added an independent forums (separate from the site, however you are able to visit them via clicking the forums link), we hope to create more of a community via the forums and increase interaction with the website.
Whilst we still have some galleries to add and polish the current content of the site, we are going to be tweaking the site and adding new content too.
If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding the site, please let us know via the forums or the contact us form!
If you are requiring IT Support or would like your own website building/maintaining, then please feel free to pop to my website and contact us for assistance!
All the best,
The next quest for collectibulldogs is to firstly master the workings of a laptop I’m so used to blogging out to you good people using the ease and laziness of the iPad.
I’m now using a webbook which I can just about put on let alone know what all the buttons do but should of thought about this before the new site was started, if truthful I’m grateful to Lee and can get used to using a different gadget.
I’m just moaning because I’m no tech head and a lazy git, that is not used to change plus I promote quite a bit so jumping between my gadgets is something else I will have to get used too just like blogging it all takes practice
Please understand that I’m the same as all you others and still getting used to the new layout its completely different to the old site but, hey that’s what I asked for so that’s what I got.
The next venture for use is a mass appraisal this is daunting to me but needs to be done if I’m to show my collection as an exhibition, museums are not easy to get into so to get my collection noticed was great and now the hard work starts not only to pick and choose what gets displayed but to get the knowledge about said pieces correct.
I’m still waiting for more information from the museum about my venture and feel we really cannot do much until they tell us more about what they want the collection to portray as in its storyline but in object form.
A couple of examples would be either the story of the history of the breed, or maybe a story on how the collecting of the breed started. Any story means I would have to look closely at what I have collected to see if said story can be made using what I have here to hand.
So folks here we have it a brand new website, with what will be all the trimmings the site will get better as time passes and new features are made available.
Once Lee has finished, I can learn to add all the new pieces that have been collected since I first spoke of a new site.
Ok if I’m right I’m led to believe that lees new blogging system means that the previous pages I had on the old website are now Blog titles, a bit confused me too!!! Lets see if I can explain what I think is now the new system.

Wave goodbye to the old site
This blog is about the website so I’m guessing when I post it should go into the collectibulldogs news part and if the blog was about say Beswick then it would go in the ceramics and glass section and so on for metals art and blogs about wiggles yet I’m left wondering where guest blogs go and blogs that have mixed articles hmmmm.
Please feel free to join the blogging forum there are many topics to choose from and I have it on good authority that the site will be completed next weekend and then I will be pestering Lee on a few questions I need answering, if I’m to now blog using the web book, if you have any ideas questions or constructive critic, feel free to contact Lee.
Before I go I want to thank all my viewers, show and tell means I’m not profit driven so I’m not like most other sites, if your a fan of the site and have repeatedly popped back I tip my hat to you and thank you all, it’s so very much appreciated and I can only end by saying my site is your site, enjoy it and happy collecting folks…
Bulldog collectibles museum quality pieces 2022
Living With A Special Needs Pup 2022
Collectibulldogs can be found on a few directories like yell and we’d appreciate your review there
Loving the new website so much quicker and easier to use and to get a spot in a museum is a big accomplishment