Welcome to our new home FMStomp are amazing

FMstomp are amazing


FMstomp are amazing

FMStomp are amazing

Hi readers and welcome into 2025 yes it’s gloomy across the globe but I’m here to Welcome to our new home FMStomp are amazing you won’t believe where we are or who took us so I’m going to explain all, Shanu will not mind me saying that we have migrated! Long gone are the days where the website sits broken you may have noticed that when you loaded up the website it was much faster with clarity and the drop-down menu on the front page now does what it’s supposed to do.


in 2024 my old hosts had the website running at 22 seconds for loading and that was on the mobile once my new host had fixed the errors. This came down to .12 ms this improvement and other improvements that will be happening in Soon will enhance the website performance and the upgrades and overall usage and utilising the website you will find just a little bit easier and quicker, my new host is brilliant and because of her special relationship that has been struck up ever since me and my little girl were sitting on my iPad and clicked onto her DJing and my little girl calling her superwoman this touched Shanu and because of this Collectibulldogs is now free of any hosting fees that’s correct. The website gets fixes and maintenance and I get a break from paying website fees. It is an absolute godsend”


having a bad experience with the after treatment service from July 2024 until December 2024 I was again discharged back to my doctor again during therapy and if I get referred this will be the third time but I am hoping to step away from the mental health side of my life and try and get Collectibulldogs a reality as a physical museum with doors and windows and a till that will ring as visitors come and see the worlds largest English bulldog collection I have pitches ideas and most importantly passion so it’s my Job and pleasure to try and bring you folk the world an English bulldog museum that you can walk in to


I am not sure if it is political change or just the way things are but I am more open now to money schemes like crowd funding reaching out for investment grants loans any kind of financial way or commitment that I can give to actually coming up with the goods it doesn’t have to be a gallery or a museum a shop space with enough square footage would be perfect the UK would have a world first with a English bulldog antiques and collectables museum and Brighton will be its base of operations. I think this would be something that my city folk would  be proud to have.

Welcome to our new home FMStomp are amazing

Wooden bulldogs FMstomp

Collectibulldogs blog 2022 welcome to FMstomp

let me write this down and tell you why there is amazing on the end of Welcome to our new home FMStomp are amazing ! Shanu is an old school DJ called Miss-Gripper she’s also someone from a wealthy background which means FMStomp and any trading from is all part of her life imaginable only when the eyes close, this lady talks to me about radio station jargon around the servers and I have no clue



one thing I do know is that this lady has been completely selfless ever since we met. I was first gifted 200 vinyl records when I started DJing this amazing DJ provided promos limited editions even records that were sent to radio stations in the 90s, but they’re not releasedI am absolutely gobsmacked by the sheer scale and quality of my vinyl collection now it is amazing what can happen when you reach out to other in a kind or friendly way and the fact that she has taken to my little girl due to the fact my little girl had taken the time to see this DJ as a woman doing her own thing and maybe it was what she was wearing that made my daughter call her superwoman.


it has been told to me in no uncertain terms that anything done for Collectibulldogs is for my daughters and not myself. Yes it is true that Shanu is a friend, but if you was to speak to her, she would jokingly say that I am her secondary concern compared to my beautiful little daughter whom she adores to the moon and back one thing I can stay that I am proud of is that I sent a gift back this was a sugar skull bulldog jar I felt that they would put things in the jar or have biscuits the radio station but if you stream into FM stump when live you will see the sugar skull bulldog in the top corner with its own light and its own camera.


sounds like I am bragging, but this is completely true that they collect bulldog sign in front of the bulldog and the last thing I thought when I sent this gift from us to her would be that she creates an advertising piece out of it and advertisers Collectibulldogs Shanu will tell you if the collection is not being sold and it is to be made more of than she would like a small part in health and because at the end of the whole project it will get passed on to my two daughters my older daughter not having autistic tendencies is the least interested out of the two when it comes to the collection my little five-year-old daughter loves to sit by the table and get her wet wipes she likes to get the Robert Harrop pieces and clean them


Continuously continues FMSTOMP IS AMAZING


Bulldog antiques Brighton FMstomp

Bulldog antiques Brighton


we haven’t worked out a way for the website to start paying for things like upgrade funds and for any money to be put away towards the real museum I do know that the new host has a greatly paid job in a big part of the aerospace market so maybe some  clever chitchat down the line might find me the investor that I am looking for that doesn’t mind waiting three or four years for a return on their money and that loves Bulldogs as much as I do I don’t think it’s going to be as easy as most people think to open a museum especially in this day and age

Introduce myself



As I have stated to many whom talk about their X account paying them and that’s all fine and dandy but I feel much richer and I haven’t made a penny on a page that’s growing with a last count of 179-1k Organic followers I’ve got X friends mutuals im lucky enough that if my posts are there long enough the best of the best that follow me then repost my content  that and a new way of engagement is how I met Shanu and other amazing people I even get followers asking me bulldog related questions they love the content and some I couldn’t be without



Shanu has helped so much it’s made the discharge easier I mean no support since July of last year and I did more than just survive I’ve been living I even had a Christmas dinner with my family and watch the younger one open her gifts  I’m usually so worn out I sleep through Christmas! Not in 2024 and I’m proud. My CPN would say I’ve been un agreeable but this isn’t the case each ATS service across the country has to discharge a certain number but they do massage situations and point the finger at the person with the disorder as the person with the problem


300 records now display with the pieces I collected last year I spent about three thousand pounds on vinyl records and when I put out a chance call to action post asking DJs etc if they wanted to donate any to my daughter and myself Miss-Gripper said “let me just download these then they are yours” a few weeks later I’m told there’s a parcel at my door, 50kgs this box weighed and when opened 200 vinyl masterpieces cascaded sliding into a neat pile one I was itching to jump into


Migration was easy enough lee was understandable and it’s the best decision I’ve made in a few years  Shanu wanted to keep the links live so http://www.collectibulldogs.co.uk is our new second url link this isn’t my url well it is but it’s in the name of FMstomp I think, once we are indexed properly and gaining back organic visitors the fact our website is now on such a huge scale server we maybe able to re add what Lee took away making the site slow and why visitor numbers just ceased. With a host that won’t fix issues for weeks and every answer to growth being write a blog I had to just move on, and I thank Shanu from every English Bulldog lover collector owner enthusiast, even breeder Yeo I said it  WE ARE SAVED


Thank you to these special X MUTUALS FMstomp IS AMAZING


X platform who would of known a rich man would buy it and invite the innocent and complelled back I love the fact he gave me my blue tick I believe there’s a blog article on here implementing what I am talking about especially with my first suspension and it’s my the only way I could say it is addiction to getting the blue tick I so wanted to be verified and I say what is my page to be let but that didn’t happen until quite recently and thanks too https://opensea.io/C_Ross_tt Ross there he’s an artist and if I’m honest I’ve not wittingly spoken to many of his faith so I’m keen on the banter and learning too


I meet all walks of life even though I try and keep my follow choices on theme  an example of this is a bulldog logo brand that sells lubricant do I know his name nope do we collaborate nope (we should) but his like the many others tagged here https://www.lubricantsuppliers.com/product/bdx-01-bulldog-bdx/ the reason I’m adding these is an extension of my new approach on X  I’ve learned the individual touch keeps that old saying at bay OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND and notifications can tell you if you were remembered as others X their hours away.




Help by name help by nature this member surprised us with an avatar that spoke to the world about collectibulldogs honestly it could do a better pitch than me  it’s not long but packs a wallop at letting everyone know about the fantastic collection that is collectibulldogs, I’m so grateful for the trust pilot reviews that I hope reaches 100 by my birthday I was pleasantly surprised to get to 86 from 77 in a few days https://www.google.com/url?q=https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/collectibulldogs.com&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjK7rqA-_WKAxWxQkEAHWOiOZUQFnoECDgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nIJRTWuEBD8WmJh7wvFdN here’s the link if you’d like to add to it I know I need two externals so there’s one




Many of my friends on X get the Pinterest treatment   live got 62 thousand followers on over 50 boards and by pressing share it gives me the option what pictures to save and send over to Pinterest members like Indigo palette  this is the lady that sent me a set of watches with some special bulldog collectible pieces and I’ve helped this lady ever since  she’s a beautiful soul and wants to see me succeed the same as Eliane from the app Ruby lane 

Eliane is one of my only mutuals that reciprocates in the same way  I know if I’m not online Elaine will do me a fresh shoutout as well as bookmark my url… with these apps your friends with folk one Minute and the next the e gone I can guarantee at least half of the people that I have added to my article will not be speaking to me in six months time or even six weeks time this is how it works on social media. You are either interested with something to say you’re helping others to grow and make it their business seen by as many people as possible but as long as your true to yourself you can wave goodbye and forget others just as quickly as your forgotten


Ive learned with help and support to keep my emotions to myself whilst online Ive also noticed it just takes one post or wrong comment and your lit page becomes stale ! I think I’ll be ok I have many mutuals that yes are selective over what they take from my feed but unlike many thousands of X accounts my subject niche content and others posts can be set on my face for awhile or taken straight away by some very kind members I even have one member that repost over 100 of my feed posts I’ll add this link for Kaye Jenner then I’ll add my mate Martin who supports charities and can be found doing his bit here https://x.com/marting8177?s=21&t=ay23dEunWRH5uzv4qgTRQw





SEO states I need two links that jump from place on the website to another I’m thinking of promoting my pages instead  there’s a section drop down for pages on collectibulldogs and a whole decade of articles that are award winning we used to win regular badges until the website got its revamp then it’s all down hill right up until Christmas when this mysterious lovely lady picked up collectibulldogs and put us down gently next to her website



If your in the uk or if not Miss gripper AKA Shanu would love to get some new followers and I urge my followers to check her out I’ve found this link https://linktr.ee/missgripper I believe it takes you to Miss gripper the X profile I’m sure I can find FMstomp that way you can pick and choose what music selection or DJ you want to listen too  and it’s nice to give back


the link directly to FMstomp is https://www.fmstomp.com/ you’ll find a selection of DJs all signed to Miss gripper as a radio producer and station owner, it’s a random marriage of two completely different niches but I love music I love 90s music and if I’m good enough 2025 could be the year that this middle aged old fart can DJ live once a week to the nation…. Yes you read that right i’m not even sure how yet I think it is from my own home with my own set up because DJ Griffey lives a couple thousand miles away technology these days most probably means I do not have to leave my front room and can use my own timetables and set up I have been practising enough so that I can do over an hour without messing up



Lastly ! As we have agreed another 5 years loan to Brighton toy museum there’s going to be children around the world that will never get to see the old growler paper mache bulldog let alone one of the cutest best kept museums in the south of England. This place is crammed to the rafters with many thousands of toys from the year to yesterday our bulldog has been there for three different loans now we are told that it is a favourite with the kiddie’s. It may get to the point where we just donate it to the museum because it would get ruined in a home environment https://www.brightontoymuseum.co.uk/ there you go there’s the link now you can enjoy this quant place.



Here are a few of my own articles advertising the worlds best when it comes to English bulldog antiques and collectables memorabilia, custom-made limited edition and the ultra rare we know just how good we are we just need everyone else to see that too so please spread the word and in the meantime, I will scroll down and see what I have been given to offer you as a article selection now let’s see and remember FMStomp are great

Unreal bulldog figurines cause real empathy 2023

collectibulldogs a real sudden move


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