Had a Bully Week

Howdy and good day readers I have had a spot of flu hence the small break from my blog.

I am feeling much better now and have been quite busy since. Myself and the missis went out on Sunday morning to our local car boot sale where I managed to find a couple of ceramic bulldogs and a cool lamp shade that I only ever see in my group and as it is white I will be sending it off to Lou Hales so that she can work her magic and turn it into a sugar skull lamp for me which will make it even brighter even with the light off.

I would like to thank Elizabeth McGee for the safe arrival of my bulldogger magazines and advertising snippets I’m sure the booklets will make a fab read and I will lend a few out to some bully friends I know that would enjoy reading them too.

A lovely lady contacted me out of the blue on the weekend she had a collection she was wishing to sell so I have been back and forth wheeling and dealing and I think I got some great pieces for myself and a friend and the seller gets a good fair amount in monies the only snag is I’m buying from the states so the shipping is sky high but that’s how it goes in this game, I have not seen a lot of what is coming before so cannot wait for those parcels too arrive and fingers crossed all in one piece.

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I am so glad to say I get to go back to art group this week it did clash with appointments and commitments but the powers that be have sorted it so I can go back and start working on my piece again I was trying to re create my own sugar skull piece that I have re cycled from an old piece I had lying around but it has been so long I have forgotten how far I had got and looking forward to getting back to finish it.

Next on my list of things to do is help someone whom contacted me to liquidate their collection and as there are hundreds I advised the owner the best and quickest way is to contact an auction house as they will do all the work for a fee but for that fee they will take all the pictures, research the pieces make a catalogue and advertise about a month before to a world wide audience but its up to the owner how they wish to go about it I’m just happy to help.

As for collecting this week I have only bought my own collection one piece but he is a keeper, a beautiful glossy brown crown Goebel seated English bulldog I have attached a picture so you can check out the cheesy smile on this piece and the face reminds me of a piece made by royal Copenhagen so I am going to research the artist to see if he worked for both factories or if it is just a look a like.

And I bought another piece but it is not for me he is a little white Bing and Grondahl piece he has a pure white finish with a tiny black nose very cute indeed. My best day is yet to come I have managed to get an appointment with my local museums head blogger this Friday he will teach me how to blog about collections, give me some tips and hopefully a wider audience I’m just thankful he is taking time out to see me and I would like to thank Debbie my art mentor for sorting this out for me.
NOTE TO ARTISANS:  Please remember if your up and coming and need exposure please contact me I’m willing to share any traffic and I have had success so far with a few artisans that have seen some growth in the amount of work and contacts they are getting.so get in touch and lets see what we can do.

Im currently looking for new facebook group members if you have a collection you wish to share or even just a few pieces come join us the group has slowed a bit but the posts and pieces are amazing and it must be the best place on earth to see so many different English Bulldog collectibles from all over the world.

As I said I’m a busy bee at the moment and I will be off out soon to our local toy museum I have loaned them my olde growler piece and I want to see how and where it is displayed but before that I think a certain furball needs an unwanted walk so till next blog readers  happy collecting

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