wiggles and her first full year

Hi there readers I hope your all safe and well I myself is poorly ATM with a chest condition so instead of going indepth about collectibles I thought I would write about wiggles, I want to show commitment but as I’m left handed and the problem I have is the same side I cannot really go streaming all day or have the mental strength to put to much together.

As stated wiggles arrived a year ago last December so she’s been here nearly 14

Out and about with wiggles off the lead

Out and about with wiggles off the lead

months with us and things we’re not as easy as life is with her these days and I believe she’s had so much to contend with she’s finally settling down properly. From operations to snappy attitudes she’s come along way since with some noticeable changes.

Wiggles and her achievements

when wiggles first arrived and until a few months ago her quirkiness was one of a confused bulldog sometimes cute and sometimes sinister with my face being her target on occasion, this was when giving her her kisses we learned after she doesn’t like surprise encounters so we learned to take things slower now indicating firstly before showing attention.

Wiggles biggest achievement in my eyes is her quick tolerable attitude towards

Hey folks remember we have a routine now

Hey folks remember we have a routine now

A mutual peace of sorts

A mutual peace of sorts

Bonnie our daughters cat, when she first arrived she hated the cat and scratched up our flooring with her claws and leg muscle trying to catch that cat, as you can see both animals are ok now together, it’s not love yet but you never know one day the cat may get to rub up like cats do to dogs they grow up with.

Sitting and no2s were we fools

The two main social problems we wanted to deal with was wiggles going to the loo and the Command SIT! in which we had no luck with either, she wouldn’t sit and her routine again was damaging the flooring. Then not so long ago both of these problems were over come I managed to get her to sit for me (funny because Debbie is still trying) lol.

The other problem with the wee wee problem was overcome by the bulldogs own lazy trade mark it was staring us in the face the whole time, if Wiggles has her night time wee outside and then allowed to sleep on the bed she would get so comfy that she would wait till the morning for her next wee instead of 2am trips to the puppy pads.

The bed idea proving wiggles is settled

If we go back to when we first let Wiggles on the bed with us she was snappy and very defensive when awoke or if we moved in our sleep we believed this to be some kind of problem as Wiggles would realise where she was and stop the aggression, this was quite scary at first a new dog (big too) on your bed inches away and you do not know the back ground but it was to work out amazingly well.

To get here you have to become a good bulldog

To get here you have to become a good bulldog

Bedtime routine is now part of wiggles everyday life that’s not to say you won’t catch her in the front room snoring away during the day she even wants to spend time with myself if I’m resting and Debbie is out.  Wiggles now gets lifted up each eve where she has a routine of washing us then goes and finds her spot for the night or at least for 10 mins before turning around to another position.


This routine is a sign of change but where I think I’ve noticed the changes is I can now stroke her while she’s asleep and she will not even flinch if anything the more love she gets the better (obvious yet unachievable till now) and the only trade off to this minor miracle is myself or Debbie awaking with sore knees as her tripled weighted head has been using as a pillow all night.

Shes protective of the house now if the door goes or the buzzer she’s straight up alert and barking away so that tells me this is a sense that she feels this is her home now for good.

just in, Debbie’s view on wiggles first year

Wiggles first year has been varied in different ways.when she first came she was introduced to the sofa.She loved the comfiness off the sofa as she had spent the last few years on a hard bed in an outside kennel.
She had never come across stairs either and found them tricky at first,but soon got used to them.

Wiggles was very jumpy in her sleep when she first came to us,you couldn’t stroke her when she was asleep as she would go for you.It got to the point that me just

My face my sofa

My face my sofa

sitting next her when she was asleep would make her jumpy.So I had to move away from her as I did think she would go for me.Now though she is fine,you can stroke her loads when she is asleep.

She wasn’t good with commands and has only just learnt the sit command,but she tends to do that for sausages.
Wiggles never used to like resting her head on anything when she was asleep.Now her head has to be resting on my legs.If I move my legs over to try and have a break,she will slide her whole body over to get her chin back on my leg.Sometimes it can get uncomfortable for long periods.

Wiggles had never come across a cat before coming to us,so when our daughters cat first appeared she did try to go for it.Wiggles is territorial of my space when the cat is around.If the cat comes near me,she will try to get her.
She does not like her rear end being sniffed by other dogs,she will go for them if they do that.She generally didn’t like other dogs coming near her,from behind.She is fine now with other dogs as long as she can sniff them first.

Such a cutie

Such a cutie


Wiggles loves her strokes and will constantly paw at you to stroke her chest,this has only been a new thing she has done for the last few months.
She has found the luxury of the bed very comfy,and will bark at you to tell you she wants to get up on there.
If she has an itch she likes to rub her face against the sofa.
So as you can see the her first year has been different in many ways.

Blogging help and prayers answered

if you don’t know or not into blogging a great way to gain interest for your venture is to appear on other sites and for other bloggers to come and tempt you guys to read their blogs it’s an age old trading tradition between bloggers well it’s been around since blogging began. Firstly thank you to Allen and he’s website From the dogs paw I met him on linked-in and for such a high spec doggie website I was surprised he even asked, I’ve written a draft copy and hope it’s good enough to get

Empathy and compassion ooze from this site

Empathy and compassion ooze from this site

published and even better if my style is liked and I’m asked back.

My Heroine Donna Curtis from the Boston terrier rescue network (which is now forever in our links page) and a brilliant website as well as cause came to my rescue and surprised me with this attempt blog at trying to get a group going or even some interest towards bloggers to come and guest or vice versa.

I hope it has some kind of impact you can see that here Blogging shout out Donna has kindly done this because they as a team believe in Collectibulldogs and for that we are forever grateful and the world needs many more people like Donna that prefer assistance and understanding over greed and want.

Boston Terrier rescue network a great cause

I do attempt to reach out there’s been many an evening where I go trawling websites that could be relatable and my problems are either websites that are overwealming to folks like myself and if I do get to the contact part the anxiety starts and my message just becomes a blabbed essay which I doubt I would want to get myself let alone send.

I am hoping with time that Collectibulldogs has its own great blogging richness with views coming from far and wide and like many people have stated I just need to be patient and things will fall into place eventually.


Thank you so far for my views I cannot go without showing what could be one of the first ever lazer printed bulldog and it’s original counterpart

The original and laser version

The original and laser version

I wont insult you by asking you to guess and as you can see the laser is great at its job of re creating the shape its only problem is it doesn’t pick up the patina the tiny hair like look isn’t seen on the laser reprinted version.

Thanks and wiggle on folks

The reproduction is  courtesy of Brighton museum and I’m also hoping they are taking me up and reblogging my article on museums and mental health, I’m hoping for practical blogging help soon and I think I maybe able to start adding videos soon and give the blog a new look with some of the pictures being clips of pieces in their  entirety.

If those with media accounts like Reddit Digg or others like BlogLovn could you please think and where possible find a home for some of my pages that would be great I think some are relivant and interesting yet posting myself is classed as self promotion.

Its not easy on some formats and now when even posting pictures the anxiety is palpable yet I will persevere as I know some just troll for the fun of it others don’t get what’s going on here or the actual achievement I have made and some are just naive but on the whole most are very nice indeed loving wiggles and guiding me on.

Thank you again to those supporting from around the world Collectibulldogs cannot achieve its goals without you folks and the kind things some are doing to help us grow, please feel free to contact me if you want to blog here ask@collectibulldogs.com.  Until next time folks happy collecting.

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