Wiggles so dang cute

Wiggles so dang cute

Wiggles six months on

Hi there readers I hope all are well and safe, As Some of you might know we took on a new bulldog last December a cute little fat sausage called Delilah, Six months have now past so I thought it might be nice to do a wiggly update on our little furry slug.

What we have learned since having her and of course her naughty exploits that I’m sure all bulldogs do one way or another and some can be funny others not so amusing but they are after all bulldogs and I’ve grown to expect nothing less.

After wiggles had her last season she contacted a tumour on her ovary and had an operation to remove it and this bought a few complications at first, wiggles had trouble regulating her testosterone levels and became very snappy and to the point we had to be loud around her when she was sleeping just so she didn’t jump up in defensive mode which had happened on occasion.

We are happy to report (touch wood) wiggles is back to her normal naughty self now with Debbie now trusting her enough to sit next to her whilst on the sofa and wiggles gets the luxury of sleeping back on the bed now (I miss my leg room).

Poor little bulldog

During the day wiggles does tend to sleep quite a bit I think this is because she’s up and down all night either having her funny five minutes or when she’s yapping at me like a puppy to get up on the bed.

I only put her down for a few moments so I can stretch my legs yet as soon as her feet hit the floor that’s it yap whine and those other throaty noises you get with a disgruntled bulldog.

I think the funniest thing wiggles does when put on the floor is to stamp her back foot at me now she doesn’t do it to anyone else and it’s always the same back leg she uses, and when on the bed she has a funny routine of where she lays and she loves nothing better than to creep up the duvet and start licking debs face and chin, the best part is she doesn’t care if debs is awake or asleep and has had me in stitches at times.

Wiggles is the only dog I know that wakes up at 5am each morning wanting her breakfast lol.

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Getting out

So wiggles will be six this coming August we have taken it easy with her since she arrived and not over done anything regarding taking her out and Walkie’s on the vets say so, we did take wiggles up to Lewes last month it was the monthly meet up or bulldog walk held monthly in the next town.

The day was enjoyable and I went round gaining material for the blog I did but as Wiggles is bulldog not keen on socialising we couldn’t really circulate and get to know others properly and sat away from the group so wiggles wasn’t so stressed.

There wasn’t any upsets and the rescue made money, so to me it was a semi successful day I just wished wiggles would of given the other bulldogs more of a chance but hey they have them monthly so there could be time to socialise her with others.

Wiggles and Debs

Debs showing her ring skills

Debs showing her ring skills

Nothing has changed as in whom wiggles prefers to be with (Debs for those that do not know) yet I still get my time with her too, she often gets swished up onto the bed for strokes or I pick her up whilst standing and give her a baby carry.

I think this is reciprocated because I get such a lovely welcome when I get home from places and Debs says she misses me when I do go out so we have quite a strong bond now, which Debbie enjoys as well as she gets her little breaks whilst myself and wiggles are either playing or just spending time together.

Wiggles on the interweb

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I think I’ve done really well in the promotion department regarding Miss wiggles she’s been seen now by over 40k viewers on the website and that’s from over 60 country’s WOW!!!

Wiggles has been on all the medias I use and each one has thousands of followers, the Boston terrier group have done a couple of articles in which wiggles has appeared and I even managed to get her in the local news article that Frances Solomon did last month.

The next step is to see what’s going on with the pitch from Jools Stone I believe he has been busy of late and I’m itching to see if it gets commissioned and even a read of the draft copy would be nice (hint hint).

Thank you

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If Wiggles previous owner reads this, we want to thank you wholeheartedly for giving us such a beautiful little bulldog she’s changed the Dynamics of the household and put has some life back into our souls, even though she still has small issues she’s overcoming them with dignity and has settled in very nicely.

Wiggles will be going off next week to princess winters grooming parlour we have never done this before and poor wiggles is usually in the bath quite a lot I’m sure debs just likes cleaning her lol, any ways I have seen princesses finished appointments and she’s good at her job so we are expecting a lovely shiny new looking bulldog when she’s bought back home lol.

Thank you to those that read the blog for the catch up its bark in the park soon so we may enter wiggles depending on categories and of course the weather but if all good then I will do a blog on the day’s events.

To those with pooches give em a big smooch from me and to my collector readers I say happy collecting…

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