Our Wynne Resident article writer page

Hi avid readers and welcome to the brilliant collectibulldogs. For those (and there’s thousands from other formats ) that do not know me, hi I’m Wynne and here’s a little about myself.
Wow amazing blog at Brighton museum 2022
I was born & raised in Philadelphia but now live on the seaside coast of Maine. Although I work in the Environmental Health & Safety field, my real love is writing. I write poetry, fiction, plays and now blog for Collectibulldogs.
I am also an animal advocate and am working towards a no kill USA and the elimination of puppy mills. I have 6 pups of which four are rescues. Misty, American Staffordshire Terrier & rescue; Mr. Pibbs, Boston Terrier & rescue; the twins saved from an Amish Puppy Mill, Sox and Minnie Bat both Boston Terriers; Moses, Pug who I had since a pup and Babe, Boston Terrier whom I also have had since a pup.

Our Wynne Resident article writer page Loves writing poetry but most of all ANIMALS
I have been following Eiffion & Collectibulldogs since I joined Twitter in 2016. I love antiques and collectibles as my dad was an Antique decorator and refinisher, but as some know collectibulldogs has had a really hard time with Twitter, I normally advocate for animals but when a harmless gentleman just wants to share he’s love of bulldogs and gets treated how he was I felt it unfair
So Aunt Wynne is now here not only to contribute her own blog articles but to urge those that follow me to help push this little website forward, my articles are popular I’m told so if so please share comment and use hashtags like #collectibulldogs.

It’s our resident article writer pooch Moishe aka Bat 🦇 Boy
Resident article writer committed
Doing a full time job and looking after my babies takes up time, after speaking with Eiffion we agreed on one article per month and if I’m at a loose end I will use any spare time to draft up new content
I’ve grown my own following online which I hope back my endeavours and help me to help collectibulldogs get more exposure, after seeing the quality of the pieces and the other ventures Eiffion’s involved with I think the next couple of years will be exciting.
Combining my knowledge of animals and specialised research around dog breeds and Eiffion’s collectibles ! I’m hoping to create blog articles that can link to those amazing bulldog memorabilia antiques I know Eiffion is so very fond of.
Eiffion has spent thousands of pounds of his own money on this website and everything around it I’m honoured to know anyone with such heart and selflessness, when I found out it’s all for he’s daughters his own terrible upbringing and how he never wishes to emulate bad people
I’m gobsmacked to the amount of passion effort funds and the love for the bulldog breed that this gentleman shows, there’s more knowledge and information on this website than there’s ever been about bulldogs and collectibles and I for one love contributing.
To all around the world please show some consideration and hit those share buttons we have a beautiful bulldog memorabilia collection
Wynne’s page !
This page will continue to get updated as I start my residency at collectibulldogs I’m privileged to be able to get my own platform my own page and when I see my picture on the collectibulldogs home page I’ll know I’m where I belong.
iF you can follow eiffion’s social media accounts that would really help and here’s mine I’m on Twitter and Facebook WYNNES FACEBOOK PROFILE LINK and find me advocating animals on MY TWITTER PAGE COME HELP THE CAUSE Thank you and enjoy what is a corker of an idea for website.
Living With A Special Needs Pup 2022
hydrotherapy for animals a guest post article
Great read will keep look out out for sure
Love our dear Wynne! Eloquent, intelligent and loves the fuzzy babies!
Everyone loves an article from Wynne hope she comes back !